Getting closer

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I was finishing my homework for English and your mom tells you someone is visiting you, you say okay and a knock on the door is heard

"Come in!" I say


"Tami-sempi!" I exclaim and jump to hug him

"Aw someone missed me huh?" Tamaki said hugging you back

Tamaki was gone the past week for a business convention his grandmother forced him to go to, and you never noticed how much you would miss him.

I hugged him tighter, and looked up at him. I was eating a blue candy and my whole mouth was blue and when I smiled he laughed

"Babe you're blue!" He said laughing

Babe? Tamaki just called me babe? My eyes went wide,

"Are you okay Y/n?" He said confused

"Yeah, can you help me with my French I'm kinda having trouble" I asked he smiled and ruffled my hair putting his arm around me

"Of course, the language of love!" Tamaki said saluting

My cheeks were burning and I tried to cover it by putting my hair in my face.




I was hanging out with the host club after hours and was trying to explain to Kyoya that unicorns were real and you had some living in you basement

"Tell Millie and Edwin, that unicorns aren't real and they will shove their horns up your ass" I said surprised I cussed

"Okay fine if you are so stuck on believing unicorns are real than I trust you but can you please talk about something else" Kyoya said with a blank expression

"Aw you love me Kyoya-sempi!" I said loudly as I danced around the room

His eyes went wide and his mouth was open.

Wow he showed emotions.

"W-why do you say that?! Did Tam-"

"Before you told me to shut up but now you tell me to talk about something else!" I told him feeling accomplished

"Ah, yes it seems I've become accustomed to your babbling" Kyoya said smirking and ruffling my hair



You were out shopping for a new dress to wear to a family dinner and you heard a familiar sound of laughter

"Hikaru is that y/n-chan?" You heard Kaoru whisper

"Oh my I think it is!" Hikaru said excited

"Go away Kaoru and let me talk to her" Hikaru said again

You heard the sound of the door opening and closing

Soon after a tap on your shoulder got your attention.

"Hey y/n-chan!" Hikaru said with a bright smile

"Hey Sempi! What are you doing here in a women's clothing shop?" You asked

"Ugh, you know.....just looking at...clothes for cosplay" Hikaru said not wanting to give away that he was waiting for her

"Kyoya told you I had a dinner and you waited didn't you!" I said because Kyoya told me Hikaru asked about me

"Well, yeah" he said blushing but then started smirking he attacked you with hugs and the whole day you two where seen shopping



(You and Tamaki are video chatting)

"I think someone has feelings for y/n!" Tamaki said with a sing song voice

"What who Tami-sempi tell me!" You said

"If I tell you you can't tell anyone!" He said

"Okay! Just tell me!" You were getting frustrated

"Y/n time for dinner!" Your maid said

Tamaki smiled and hung up! What the hell! He had to plan that!

You were thinking about it all night.

Tamaki wasn't answering your calls so you called Kaoru the one you met at the park he goes to the same school as you

"Hey y/n!" Kaoru said

You wanted answers and you thought Kaoru might know

"Is there someone who likes me at school?" You asked bluntly

"Don't worry about it, there are more people who have feelings for you than trees in this world!" He was one of them he thought

"Oh, sorry for bothering you" you said

"You could never bother me" you blushed and hung up



Every Sunday you would go to your favorite coffee shop to eat a blueberry eclair and black coffee at 7 sharp today that didn't happen

You woke up at 9 and didn't get there until 9:39. Little late but its better than not coming at all

You walked to the counter to find there were no more blueberry éclairs and so you settled for a raspberry.

You went to your normal seat and saw a familiar blonde headed boy come toward you.

"Honey-sempi! What are you doing here!" You said looking up

"Takashi said he wanted to get coffee and this is the closest but then I saw you!" He said with a smile

"Oh, where is Mori-sempi?" You said disappointed that Honey wasn't alone but not showing it

Honey started looking sad "He's outside"

"What's wrong?" You asked you couldn't help but get up to hug him

You handed him your pastry and you let go in the hug but he grasped onto you tighter than you've ever felt.



You where walking with your friend from your hometown and talking.

"So... How are the city boys?! Are they cute?" She asked eagerly

"I guess, I don't have time to worry about boys." I said honestly

"There is always time to worry about boys! I know you've seen at least one cute guy!" She said

"This boy at the dojo." I said

"Name? Number? Describe him!" She said jumping off the walls

"His name is Kakeru, I'm not giving you his number, and he isn't tall but taller than me, white, and has blonde hair." I said hoping to get this discussion over with

"Y/n, you and I both know that isn't your type!" She said stopping

I noticed a familiar looking man, Mori-senpi

"Hey, Mori!" I said hoping to distract from the topic

He looked at me and nodded walking faster to catch up and my friend whispered

"He's more your type Tall, dark, and handsome as hell!" And she walked to her car leaving you guys alone

"Do you like Kakeru?" He asked looking at you

"No, but if I told her who I liked all of Japan would know as well, she was right when she said he wasn't my type though" I said winking at him

He smiled at me and put his arm around my shoulder

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