"Night." I whispered. Harry sighed

"Goodnight Theresa." I didn't like my name but the way he said it made me shiver. I turned over and fell into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up on Thursday morning to Niall's laughter. I was curled up next to Harry again. He had one arm wrapped around my shoulder keeping me trapped against his chest. I silently watched the slow rise and fall of his chest. breathed out a sigh and tried to shift positions. His right arm, the one around me, had the bracelet i gave him on it which jangled slightly as I moved. Giving up I closed my eyes. Five more minutes. I thought. This was the best nights sleep I've ever had. My eyes shot open. I didn't dream. I sat up and Harry's arm fell away from my shoulders. He groaned and shifted to his side. I didn't dream. I've always had that dream ever since the night it happened. Always. I touched my forehead and pushed my hair back. I didn't know what to think. This had never happened before. I pushed the blanket off of my body and Harry murmured something next to me.

"What time is it?" I didn't know so I didn't answer. It was suddenly too warm. I tugged off my jacket and felt it slightly pull up my shirt with it. "Getting naked are we." Harry asked lazily. His brilliant green eyes were trained on me. Scowling I punched him in the arm and he laughed, closing his eyes again. I tugged on the zipper of the tent, grabbed my sandals and put them on. Niall and Louis were laughing and throwing little pieces of bread to the birds off to the side. I rolled my eyes. Zayn was sitting at the table with a book reading thoughtfully. There was plate with some toast and what looked like strawberry jam on it in front of him untouched. Liam came towards me with a similar breakfast.

"Thanks." I murmured. He nodded.

"You didn't have that dream last night." Liam stated. I shook my head and chewed my toast thoughtfully not catching his eye. He followed me as i planted myself on the edge of the bench across from Zayn. Together we watched Louis and Niall begin to throw bread at each other. Their laughter rang out. "I don't suppose there's any chance that the dreams have stopped?" Liam asked. I shook my head. There was no way. Just no way.

"I've had them every night since i was 15. It's not going away just because I slept peacefully for one night." Liam seemed to not want to accept that answer.

"Maybe this is just one of many nights where you'll sleep peacefully." again I shook my head.

"But maybe.." I stopped him.

"I know you mean well Liam but believe me when I say that this isn't just going to go away." with a sigh Liam finally nodded. I had left the tent door unzipped and Harry stumbled out now. His hair was all over the place and he looked pretty pissed.

"You guys are loud." he grumbled glaring at Niall and Louis.

"Oh come on mate! Even Zayn is up before you!" Louis cried out prancing over and looping his arm around Harry's shoulders. Harry shook off his arm with a scowl.

"He's just upset because he still hasn't had any.. BIRTHDAY SEX!" Niall exclaimed really loudly. Louis and him then proceeded to loudly, and horribly sing Birthday sex for about the fifth time this week.

"There are no girls around." Harry muttered crossing his arms. He walked over and sat on the other side of Liam picking up a piece of toast as he went.

"Perfectly good girl right here." Zayn offered gesturing towards me. I glared at him over my shoulder and Zayn just smirked

"Not like I would let him touch me anyways." i grumbled.

"That's why you let me come into your tent." Harry retorted. There was a chorus of ooooo's from Louis, Zayn, and Niall. They were loving where this conversation was going.

"I don't want you in there. I tell you to get out every night!" I countered. I stood up then and scowled down at Harry.

"But then you scream when I leave." Harry finished standing up and looking me in the eye.

"You know why I really do that!" I shouted at him. His expression turned hard. I wasn't even talking to him anymore really. I was thinking of my ex boyfriend and all the things I should have screamed at him when we were together.

"No I don't" Harry replied through clenched teeth.

"You're impossible!" I cried out, even though I was making no sense. He really didn't know. I probably sounded like a lunatic.

"Guys stop it" Liam said firmly.

"Tell him." I exclaimed whipping my head around to glare at him. Liam cringed a little. I shouldn't be yelling at him. I pushed Harry out of my way and stalked off. He stumbled slightly but didn't fall unfortunately. I was fuming. I kept digging my nails into the skin of my palm.

"Terra come back!" Niall cried out unhappily. He sounded like a lost hopeless little dog.

"No." I snarled. I heard him whimper and I mentally hit myself for being rude to people who were only trying to help. Who are you kidding a voice screamed in my head. On Saturday you all go your separate ways you'll never see them again. It continued. I gritted my teeth and kept walking. I heard a lot of quiet yelling. It sounded like Liam and I expected him to come after me, but they had other ideas.

"Fuck. Will you hold up." Harry shouted after me. I just walked faster. I heard him jogging to catch up. He caught my arm and spun me around.

"Let. Go. Of Me." I growled.

"No." Harry replied with the same amount of force. I growled and tore my arm out of his grip. "Will you just stop." he said following close behind. I didn't reply. "You're going to get lost."

"No I won't." I barked out.

"You're right. We will get lost because I was stupid enough to come after you." he continued putting emphasis on we.

"Then stop following me!" I countered turning to glare at him. He didn't say anything. I looked away and kept walking.

"Come on! You know I didn't mean any of that!" he shouted. I turned around and stopped him in his tracks. He was inches from my face.

"I don't know actually! I don't know you Harry! I don't know any of you! You should've just left me alone!" I shouted. He was breathing deeply, a scowl on his face as he tried to calm himself down. I spun back around and kept walking.

"Theresa stop!" he yelled.

"I told you not to call me that!" I all but screamed at him as I turned around yet again. I was eye level with him and we were glaring each other down. Even now in my rage I just wanted to grab his face and kiss him. I was not about to do that though. "Just stop talking to me." I said in a lower voice as I stepped back to put some space between us.

"Make me." he growled getting in my face again. I was breathing rapidly now, my heart trying to beat out of my chest. Oh god I wanted to kiss him. Then he did something I didn't expect. He kissed me.

Harry slammed his lips on top of mine, his hands cupping my face. I was so surprised I just stood there. I didn't even have time to respond before he pulled away. His breathing was ragged and there was a weird look in his eyes. My lips burned and all I wanted was to kiss him again. Without a second thought I put my hands around his neck and brought his face closer to mine. He didn't respond at first but slowly he kissed me back digging his nails into my hips, but I didn't care. I had wanted to kiss him since I first saw him. I never wanted to allow myself to do it though. He reminded me to much of...

A car honked it's horn. I tore away from Harry and jumped back about two feet. The drivers of the van looked pretty pissed. I realized then that we had been standing in the middle of the road. Harry came to stand next to me and the car passed us. My heart felt like it was going to explode. I could hear Harry's rapid breathing and found I was doing the same. I looked at him. There was no emotion on his face and I hoped mine was the same. I could feel how warm my cheeks were and doubted I had a normal composure. We stared at each other for another minute before I looked away. I turned and walked back toward the camp without another word. Harry trailed behind. A kind of agreement had passed between us. No one, was to know about this.


sorry it took a while! I'm trying to get better at updating quicker :3

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