Chapter Three- Swords and Smoke

Start from the beginning

"Godric? Is it really you?" The faintest hint of a smile touched her lips, but her eyes were disbelieving.

"It's me!" He sheathed the dagger and jumped down into the brook with a splash before wading over to where she stood. "What happened? How did you get away?"

Mira bowed her head and covered her face with her hand. Her small shoulders shook, but she made no sound. Godric looked down shamefully. He had no intention to hurt her, but the question had just slipped out. He hesitate but came beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as she cried, fearing that she might take further offense if he hugged her. Instead she turn into him and wrapped her arms around him fiercely, pulling him close. With more than a little surprise at her sudden reaction, he returned the gesture and held her for several moments as she regained her composure.

Eventually she gently pulled herself away and smiled weakly up at him.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't mean to..."

She patted him affectionately on the shoulder. "It's not your fault. Everything is just happening so quickly." She stood up a little straighter, setting herself in a determined stance and wiping a last glistening tear from her cheek. "Anyway, to answer your question, when the...attack, I suppose you would call it, happened, my mother sent me to check on the flocks." Mira took a shaky breath. "At the time it seemed logical, but looking back she probably just wanted me away from the village in case anything happened.

"By the time I had made it to the south wall, most of the Square had been destroyed and the wall was already on fire. I saw Drom and some of the militia running to the East gate and he told me to leave the village and to stay in the fields until he sent for me. I spent much of the night there, hiding in dirt tunnels where the grain is stored in the winter, but when dusk came and there was no word from Dunn I assumed the worst. Now, seeing the smoke rising from the village, I guess I made the right choice." She hung her head and they stood in silence again for a couple minutes.

Once the silence started to get to him, Godric gestured to the book she held. "At least you still have something to read." It was a feeble attempt at conversation, but Mira appeared to appreciate it all the same and giggled a little, despite the unspoken weight that both of them felt.

"I was reading it when Mother told me to check the flocks. At the time I was annoyed to have to stop, but now I guess it was good fortune that I had it with me. From the looks of it, it will be the only thing I have left from Dunn."

Godric nodded grimly. "Is it anything good?" She glanced at him skeptically, caused him to a laugh a little. "I mean, anything I would have read?"

"It is called Legends of Ecthion and the Scourge of Niron, a book detailing the wars fought in the First Age between the Elves of the North, Men, and..." She faded away as he looked at her blankly. "In other words, no, Farm Boy, it is not anything you would have read." Now it was his turn to smile at her, but she gave him a quizzical stare. "Hmm, I'm going to have to come up with a new nickname for you, I'm afraid. From the looks of it, you fit more the part of a warrior than a farmer."

Looking down, he noticed that she was right. The sword and two daggers strapped to his belt gave him a powerful look, which, combined with the scorches of fire that covered his clothes, gave the appearance that he had just been in a battle. I can only imagine what my face looks like, he considered. Apparently this gave him a peculiar expression because Mira burst into laughter that sounded even sweeter than the running water.

With a look of mock hurt, he murmured, "Excuse me, Scholar Mira, but if it pleases your majesty, this warrior would enjoy a drink."

She gave him a small curtsey. "The brook is all yours." Exaggerating a bow with a smile grin, he kneeled down and took a long drink. The water was freezing, even more so than the air. It nearly hurt as it travelled down his parched throat, refreshing him. 

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