Chapter 11

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Zayn's P.O.V.

Jayn: No! You HAVE to watch it! I swear you'll love it!

Me: Haha. Yeah. I'll pass.

Jayn: Oh C'mon! If you just give it a shot!

Me: I'll leave those shots to the writer.

Jayn: first, that doesn't even make sense, second, Don't you EVER insult the queen!

Me: Oh My God..

She sends a picture and once it loads, i roll my eyes. It's a picture of J.K. Rawling sitting with the queen of England. And the caption says 'The queen sitting with an old lady with a hat.'

Me: You're giggling like a maniac right now, aren't you

Jayn: No.. Maybe..

Me: *rolls eyes*

Jayn: I'm still not giving up until I make you watch Harry Potter. The WHOLE series.

Me: Mhm,We'll see about that..

Jayn: sooner or later, you WILL become a potterhead. Mark my words, Malik.

Me: A Potter-what?

Jayn: Potterhead!

Me: what the hell does that even mean!

Jayn: *gasps* how dare you?!

Me: what!

Jayn: And you call yourself british.

Me: you're such a drama queen.

Jayn: You Love it.

Me: ;)


"This homework is just dumb."

"What are you solving?" I say into the phone as I collapse on my bed.


"Of course." I roll my eyes.

"It's just so freaking hard. I've been trying to solve this problem for an hour!"



"Of course." I roll my eyes again.

"Why do we even study Math?" I smile to myself, imagining how she might look like right now. Probably sitting on her stomach with a pen behind her ear, her hair up high in a ponytail, biting her lip as her eyebrows are crossed together.

"To become good people and benefit our society or some shit."

"What does math have to do with that!"

"Don't know, don't care. I don't have to worry about that anyways," I smirk to myself, I've always hated Math. I knew from the start that i'm never going to learn anything from that shit.


"You know what, just throw the sheets in your teacher's face! Tell him that Math is for Losers!"

"I'm not going to start a revolution."



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