Chapter 10

153 28 23

^Kim^ (Sabrina Carpenter)

(Edited 11 Jan 2017)

Jayn's P.O.V.

I freeze in my place once I see that he's leaning in, because I have absolutely no idea what else to do and his hands are around my waist trapping me in place.

My heart starts beating loudly because this is just so sudden, i did not expect this in any way, but i have no time to think about this because-

I jump at the sound of the door opening so fast, bumping my head to the cabinet. I wince in pain and quickly put a hand on my head.

"Are you okay?" Zayn asks as he lets go of my waist and puts a hand behind my back. I nod and turn my head to see my mother walking in with some bags hanging from her arms.

"Jayn we're ho-" Her eyes widen as she looks up at us, I hardly swallow thinking of an explanation for this position we are in until I hear a loud scream coming from the living room.

The rest of the guys rush in, Louis with a frightened look on his face. Kim follows and as she passes by them, her jaw drops even more and she rushes to my side, looking with wide eyes at Zayn.

Guess now we know where that scream came from.

They all look at me and then turn to my mother, who's eyes widen even more.

"Mom look don't freak out they're-"

"OH MY GOD BOYS YOU'VE GROWN!" Mom rushes to them and they all engulf her in a group hug.


I stand there with a stupid look on my face, wondering what the hell just happened.

Kim looks at me with confusion. I shrug.

"Mom?" Kim calls.

Mom pulls away and stands beside Niall with a hand behind his back.

"Oh girls let me introduce you to the boys," She grins.

"Mom, I already know them, but how on earth do you know each other?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Your Mom came once to visit Jake so we met, and then spent like a week together." Zayn looks at her smiling.

"We went on a tour to London! They showed me the whole place, it's beautiful." She continues.

"We missed you!" Niall grins as she gives his hand a squeeze.

"I can't believe how much you guys have grown!"

"I can't believe it either! I mean, I never imagined that this," Louis points to his body, "could get any better," he smirks and flips his hair. I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"Uh, mom?" Kim calls,

"Yes honey?"

"How come you never told us about this?" I know for a fact that she's trying to control herself, and it's really hard for her to not freak out. Like literally, she's always fangirling about them.

"Dunno." Mom shrugs.

I swear to God i can hear her scream in her head. On another note, my mind goes to what Zayn said previously about mom going to visit Jake.

Why didn't she take me with her?

What if i did go with her? What would have happened?

Would anything change?

I asked Jake to come home, I told him to get on that plane.

Maybe if I had already went with mom to see him, I wouldn't have asked him to come visit.

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