Chapter 3

183 41 65

(Edited 22 Nov. 2016)

Jayn's P.O.V

Neither of us move. I admire the way my eye's blue color reflect in his bright green eyes.

"I've seen these eyes before," he breaks the silence but doesn't move an inch away. Not knowing how to reply I stay silent,

A noise comes from near by, my head snaps at that direction, and my eyes widen at the sight of that damn bodyguard searching for me.

My first thought is to go hide but wait, what about this guy? If I leave him he'll probably tell the bodyguard where I went to hide without knowing that I'm actually hiding.

"What is-"

Shit. I can't believe I'm about to do this.

"Oh my God," I cut him off and place my hand on his mouth so he won't talk or ask anything.

"Sorry, please just come with me and don't make a sound," I whisper and wait until he nods,

When he does, I look around for somewhere to hide in. My nerves are about to explode, hell! What is this place? Why isn't there anything-

A closet! I sigh in relief and quickly lead us into it. It's very damn small we hardly can stand in it. Did i mention that its dark in here as well? Ugh. This night just keeps getting better and better.

I hear some ruffling sound but then the noise is no longer heard. I let out a huge breath and then, I displace my hand from this guy's mouth. Good thing he stayed silent. Or else I would've got caught. 

"What was that all about?" He whispers, confusion very clear in his voice.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry. I came here with my friend to a birthday party and I got lost then bumped into a bodyguard who asked for my ticket which is with my friend who I can't find and I can't leave without my friend! And when I tried to escape from the bodyguard I bumped into you and now we're in this tiny closet and-"

He places his hand on my mouth to stop me from blabbering some more. He has a point.

I slowly shake my head up and down as if nodding--because he can't actually see me-- until he removes his hand.

He then moves a little, I hear a ruffling sound which I guess is coming from his try to reach for the door knob and unlock the door. I start to freak out once I realise it isn't working. He can't open the door. It's broke. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

"Oh my God ! Oh my God! Why isn't the door opening! We're trapped! What will we do when the oxygen runs out? It's all my fault! Oh my God we're gonna die!" I start to panic. Oh crap. Not now, not here. Why God?

My breathing slows down quickly until I nomore can feel any oxygen entering my lungs.

"Oh My God I'm gonna have a heart attack! I.. I have a phobia of small places!" I feel like all the air just got sucked out of my lungs. "I can't.. I can't breath! Oh my God!" I try to fan myself, BUT IT ISN'T WORKING!


"Hey! Hey, Calm down, exhale, inhale, slowly okay? Don't worry just do as I say and you'll be fine." Two hands are suddenly placed on my shoulder,

I start to inhale and exhale as he just said.

"Good, good. Now count to ten while breathing slowly." He instructs.

"Okay. Okay I can do that." My chest rises and falls while I'm trying to breath. This is working. This is actually working!

"Good job, now sing with me, The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout .." Wait, he's British. That accent is very.. husky. 


I shake my head and start singing along with him.

"Down came the rain and washed the spider out, down came the sun and dried up all the rain, and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout again." I release a huge breath when we finish, and I feel my breathing return back to normal.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm uh.. better now. Thank you so much. I could've.. died if you hadn't done this."

"Don't thank me. You would've done the same for me, wouldn't you now?" He bluffs. There's something behind that sentence, but I don't get it.

"Sure thing," I smile, although he still can't see me.

"I think I found some lights, let me check if it works." He reaches for something and as I hear a 'click' sound everything becomes clear.

My eyes almost pop out of my face when I realise who he is, my jaw is already on the floor by the way, but the most important thing is..

Oh My God.


I want to scream out of shock, hide my face out of embarrassment, and just stare at him out of the shock. Again.

"Oh My God. You're.. you're... Holy shit you're Harry Styles! " I almost scream.

"You a fan?" He smirks.

"Yeah! But now I hate myself," I say with my hand on my forehead. "I can't believe I just locked us both in here! And I almost died in front of you! Oh My God! I'm so sorry I-. " He cuts me off by putting his hand on my mouth again, making me turn red this time.

"It's okay, don't worry about it, not at all, I'm honestly glad we bumped into each other. Getting stuck in a smallass closet with a pretty girl like yourself isn't something you should be sorry for." He smiles warmly, this guy has got to be joking.


Hope you liked it! Sorry for being a lazyass! I'll update later this week hopefully! X

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