Suddenly, the train pulled to an abrupt halt, all the lights went off. Everything went silent, and the air got colder. I created some light with my wand, and the illuminating light showed me my friends faces who were just as panic as I was.

"What just happened?" Ginny asked.

Then something walked past our compartment. Well, actually, it floated past. As it continued its way down the hall, it sent the freezing air to its surrounding.

"What was that?" I asked.

No one knew. I stood up and opened the door. Taking a look around, it seemed like nothing was happening. I stepped outside.

"Where are you going?" Fred asked.

"I'm checking around." I said.

"We're coming." George said.

"You two go that way." I pointed towards the head of the train "I'll go this way."

With my wand illuminating the way, I walked cautiously towards the end of the train. The air got colder as I walked further down, I could feel my breath froze in the air. Then, I saw it, the thing in dark cloak that floated past our compartment before. A Dementor. It was half out, half in a compartment. I approached slowly, tried to make no sound at all.

There was a silvery white light shifted into its mouth. I moved forward for two more steps and saw where it came from. It was from Harry who looked half conscious. Outside, the lightning struck down, blasting its blinding white light.

"Expecto Patronum!" Someone shouted the incantation from behind Harry, and the Dementor fled.

Harry was knocked out completely. I hurried to them and helped getting him onto the seat. Hermione and Ron were relieved to see me, but I wasn't looking at them. I was looking at the man who helped Harry.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"Remus Lupin." He said "New professor at Hogwarts."

"Defense against the dark arts?" I asked.

"How do you know?" He asked.

"Since the last one was utterly idiotic." I shrugged and turned back to Harry.

"Is he okay?" Ron asked.

"He just fainted." Hermione said "He'll be fine."

The lights in the compartment flickered and went back on again, the train began to move ahead slowly, then speeded up. I looked at the Professor and nodded at the door, motioned him to go outside with me. He nodded back, and we left the compartment. Slid the door close, I made sure Hermione and Ron weren't watching or eavesdropping.

"That was a Dementor, was it?" I asked "They're looking for Sirius Black?"

"Yes." He nodded "I'm afraid so."

"Sirius better hides carefully." I mumbled to myself.

But he seemed to catch what I said to myself. He raised an eyebrow and looked at me questionably.

"Well, my mother told me he's an innocent man." I explained "I trust her."

"And your mother is?" He asked.

"She was Leah Avery." I said "She died a year ago."

"I'm sorry." He said "Leah is your mother, you must be November."

"How do you know about me?"

He looked around, checking once again if there was anyone in the hearing range before turning back to me.

"Sirius told me about you. He said you could help."

"Help with what?"

"Help him hide." He said "Dementors are everywhere, looking for him. This time, if they give him one of those Dementor kiss, he can be killed."

"Hogwarts is a safe place."

"I know, that's why I took the position of the Defense against the Dark Arts teacher. To take him there." He said "Hopefully he's safe there. Not everyone knows he's innocent. Harry thinks he's trying to kill him."

"Hopefully." I mumbled.

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