CH.2 - Foot in Mouth

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"And I'd personally like to extend a warm thank you to Mr.Edward Soriano for his generosity and heart for the Daily Planet. Because of him taking over, we were able to get all the new equipment and funding we needed so we're able to keep up with the news more diligently. The Daily Planet welcomes you to our family."

Perry White, The Editor in Chief of the newspaper stepped down from the podium where he gave his brief welcome speech and let the applause for Edward's generosity erupt from his staff. Camera lights flashed as Edward and Marilyn stood up to go mingle around the room. Though it was a party, the news never stopped, and neither did the Daily Planet.

"Mr. Soriano!" Perry called to his new boss from a little ways across the room, "there's someone I'd like you to meet." Perry beamed towards a red headed woman in a form fitting black dress with a brilliant reporter's smile across her face. Her teeth were Hollywood white, and her complexion looked like that of a porcelain doll. She was beautiful to say the least, and though her warm smile and extended hand seemed inviting and friendly, Marilyn had no interest in meeting her.

"This is one of my top journalists, Miss.Lois Lane. The paper is most definitely a team effort, but her pieces are usually the bigger stories-- front page material oozes from this woman's pores." Edward gently pinched the back of Marilyn's elbow. After three years spent with her, he knew she needed a little extra encouragement to interact nicely with other females.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lois. Please call me Edward; this beauty on my left here would love to start a career in writing. Marilyn is a terrific writer, she spends all day sometimes just filling note books and writing letters. Maybe I should bring her by here sometime so she can shadow you and learn a few tricks."

"Oh, of course! We could always use more reporters, the sooner the better. I would love to have an apprentice!"

Edward shook Lois' hand, genuinely pleased to meet a woman with such influence. Marilyn was speechless. She didn't know wether to walk away or to give Edward the Charlie horse of his life for trying to pawn her off as Lois' biggest fan.

"That's very kind of you, but I don't write. He's crazy. I write down every topic he brings up that annoys me and why, so I can remember for future reference not to bring it up again. I fill up so many books because he talks A LOT." Marilyn smiled, hoping the people around her were smart enough to understand sarcasm. Aside from a small chuckle coming from behind Lois, no one picked up on her apparent joke.

"Is there anything in particular you like to talk about? Maybe something we could try to add in the paper, or if not add, maybe improve?"

Marilyn's eyes set to the voice that belonged to the pity laugh. A tall man in glasses standing behind Lois.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, this is my partner Clark Kent! He's my right hand man. He assists me on a lot of the stories I do, specifically the Superman stories we run-- he ALWAYS manages to get the best pictures." Lois said, exchanging a quick glance and smile with Clark that one would've missed if they had blinked. Something secretive, almost flirty, like they knew something everyone else didn't.

"It's nice to meet you, Miss....?" Clark extended his hand to shake, attracting Marilyn's as if it were a magnet.

"I like plants." Marilyn shook the man's hand, quickly realizing she had answered the wrong question once noticing a puzzled look on his face.

"I mean-- Warren. I'm Warren, Marilyn Warren. And I like plants, I like to garden. I have a lavender plant in the back yard, I don't read the Daily Planet so I wouldn't know if you have something like that..." She trailed off, noticing Edward had left her side and was nowhere in her sight. Frantic green eyes began dashing around the room, a familiar tightening in her chest began to rise as she tried to spot a navy blue blazer in a sea of well dressed suits and ties.

"He's right there with Perry talking with a few of our photographers. He excused himself a little while ago." Clark smiled kindly, hoping to ease her obvious distress. She gently exhaled the small panic that had built in her chest.

"Thank you.. I guess I learned to tune him out so well I didn't pay attention at all." She joked.

"We tend to do that with our parents. It's human nature." Clark replied, all of a sudden noticing an inquisitive look on the young woman's face.

"Edward isn't my dad...." She admitted, truthfully too embarrassed to discuss the dynamic of their relationship.

"Clark!" Lois exclaimed, embarrassed on her coworkers behalf.

"I'm so sorry, you just look so young, I just assumed, I had no idea Edward was seeing someone--" he rambled an apologized, a hint of light red glazing his cheeks in embarrassment that made Marilyn smile.

"I'm not Edward's girlfriend!" She blushed at the thought, laughing slightly to reduce the awkward tension around the air of the trio. Both Lois and Clark looked confused.

"Edward is a very generous man.. He's been a long time friend-- He thinks I have potential do things that can change the world... He's waiting for me to be ready to go back to school so he can help with the finances. I'm waiting on the right time. So far, I haven't decided." Clark exhaled a breath he was holding in relief. He thought he had pulled the ultimate 'foot in mouth' by accidentally labeling Edward as her father when he was actually her lover. Relieved to find he was neither, Clark, Lois, and Marilyn all laughed at the misunderstanding.

"So you're gonna change the world, huh?" Clark smiled a wicked handsome smile that made the dimples in his cheeks indent.

"We could use some good change in the world."

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