Ch.1 - Ignorance is Bliss

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A cup of black coffee piping hot at 3 AM. The comforting scent of lavender water floating through the house when a breeze rolls through the curtains. A woman designed for a purpose she didn't understand. Lazy woman; always dreaming of something better, yet never using her full potential to achieve it.

Every day started the same.

She would wake up in a bed and house that didn't belong to her. Edward paid for everything she owned, from the diamond studs in her ears right down to the cashmere socks she slid around the tile floored house in. Edward was old. Twenty-five years her senior to be exact. With her being at age twenty barely starting her life, that made him forty-five with no kids, a big lonely house, and two marriages down the drain and she liked it that way. Edward was an important business man who funded a lot of things around the city of Metropolis. He was everybody's boss and Marilyn never cared to look further into his career. It wasn't important how he supported her. So long as he was doing it, she didn't care how.

Next, she would wander around the house looking for something to do, or spend all day outside swimming and tending to the garden.

By the time her day of essentially doing nothing would come to dinner time, Edward would return home, usually with gift in hand, and unload the details of his busy day she didn't really care to hear about. She was comfortable doing nothing and working for no one. Till Edward bought the Daily Planet.


"What's this again?" Marilyn asked, bothered while she poked around her ear lobe trying to find the proper place for her pearl studs to fit.

"Just a 'getting to know my new boss' party at the Daily Planet I guess. Nothing big." Edward replied, straightening his navy blue tie in the mirror.

"What's a daily planet?" Edward glanced over at his young partner with a small chuckle.

"You don't read the news paper?" He replied. Marilyn raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"I don't enjoy the news.. I don't keep up. It makes me sad and stressed. Ignorance is bliss." Edward stared at her for a moment, wondering if she was really serious.

"Ignorance is suicide, my dear." He said seriously, "Not knowing what's going on in the world is just absurd. I can't believe you don't like to keep up with what's going on in your surroundings."

"My 'surroundings'," Marilyn mocked him on the word, "don't go further than the back or front yard. It's safe in here and I'm happy." She gazed into the mirror on her vanity and connected to a pair of her own green eyes that questioned her for a moment.

"I'm happy." She repeated.

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