Maya frowned, then pointed to Krayson.

He swallowed the last bite of his bread and tensed. It appeared like the interrogation was to begin.

Captain Falar shot the princess an anxious look before nodding. Krayson thought that curious. Falar didn't seem the sort of woman to get nerves. Whatever her feelings, she stepped towards Krayson and stared down at him with imperious eyes.

"Leave us," she said to the surgeon.

The surgeon bristled at being ordered about in his domain. He looked to the princess. "By your leave, Your Highness?"

Maya flicked her wrist. A clear dismissal. Once the surgeon was gone, Falar began the questioning.

"You are aware of the allegations against you?"

Krayson didn't want this to drag on longer than it needed to. He decided early on into this debacle that his best hope lay in complete honesty. As far as he understood, he had done nothing but serve the Order, and by extension, House Algara.

"Some think I murdered Lady Oma the Tarlen," he said. "I did not, and I believe you know that."

Falar pursed her lips. "She was killed by blood magic. Specifically, by what is known as a wilt curse. That means she was..."

"I am aware of wilt curses," Krayson interrupted. "It was placed upon her by her killer, likely without her knowledge. Later, as long as two days after it was placed, the killer triggered their curse, thereby draining Lady Tarlen of all her ether over the course of one minute. She succumbed to ethershock and died."

Falar frowned. "How can you know that if you weren't involved?"

"I was involved," Krayson said, "and I had two hours in her estate to learn the method of her death before your knights arrested me. Before that, I was contracted by Lady Tarlen to deliver a bloodsong and a message on behalf of His Grace."

Maya stepped forward and stood next to Falar. Her glare could have burned a hole through steel.

"You had the Imperial Diamond in your possession," Falar said.

"Yes. That was also part of the Lady Tarlen's contract. I was to bring it from her agents in Gaulatia and deliver it to her. Unfortunately, upon my return to the City of Althandor, I learned of her death. I made inquiries and searched her estate to find how best to complete my contract. That was when your knights came upon me and demanded my surrender. I did so."

"You say you were to deliver a bloodsong," Falar said. "Tarlen was no hierarch, so where did she acquire one?"

"She did not. I retrieved it on her orders."

Maya took in a sharp breath through her nose. She and Falar exchanged weighted looks.

"Retrieved it from where?" Falar asked.

When Krayson made to speak, he found his voice curiously silent. This part was where things became unusual. He needed to force the words out of his mouth.

"I retrieved the bloodsong stored within the Imperial Diamond," Krayson said.

Falar's eyes widened in shock. She hadn't suspected. Maya remained stoic. She would have already known the jewel's nature.

"What?" Falar demanded. "That's... ridiculous."

"It is the truth," Krayson said. "The Imperial Diamond is a theurallurgic artifice, one of unprecedented power. Its capabilities are beyond my understanding, but I was told that one of its lesser functions is to serve as a repository. It can act as a... storage... for a bloodsong just as a blood runner can. I was commanded by Lady Oma the Tarlen to retrieve the bloodsong within and deliver it to her chosen agent."

Blood Runner: Book Three of the Empress SagaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora