Talking to my Love

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(A/n) Hey guys It's me, I changed my profile up a bit. Lol sorry it's been a while since I have updated. I'm sorry about that. I have just been having a hard time coping you see my parents are getting divorced and it's been hard. But I figured I should update to get my mind off it. Anyway I am gonna give a shout out to my baby bro, @popcornguy644. His new to wattpad, his also a pokemon nerd. Lol I like pokemon but I'm not a major fan like he is. Lol anyway he doesn't have a book out yet but he promised he would write one. So go check him out if you like pokemon lol. Now back to the story. )

°The next day cause I'm lazy
-Shadows pov-
Waking up was a bitch this morning, like I felt like my brain was burning from the inside out, but what do you expect I was out all night and had so many emotional moments. Whatever though that was last night. Now is the time to get up off my ass and go talk to Sonic. I walk to my room, which is kinda dark and gloomy, at least that's what Sonic says. I grab my shoes and head out. Last night just after the group hug that we all shared, I asked Sonic if we could meet up and talk about something. He agreed saying he needed to tell me something important as well.
    I run to the Starbucks, that's where are meeting at I wait for a bit after arriving first, but not long, considering the fact that I was waiting on Sonic the Hedgehog. (Lol ok I know Starbucks isn't really a place you would be likely to see shadow, and probably not the best place for sonic considering that he is already hyper enough but I'm just gonna roll with it.😉)

○Sonic's Pov
    I finally arrived at the place me and Shadow are meeting which is Starbucks. I know not the best place for me, but hey what are you going to do. Anyway as I arrive I see Shadow setting down and has already bought my coffee for me. "Hey, Shadz." I call. He looks up and smiles seeming happy to see me. I walk over and take a set while thanking him for the coffee. We set in silence for a moments before I finally break the silence. "Shadow, I know you wanted to talk about something, but before we get into that I would like to say something." I inhale deeply, mentally preparing myself for the Tsunami of emotions that is about to hit. "Shadow, I know you know I'm gay. I told everyone last night obviously. However I didn't tell you everything. Shadow you are probably going to hate me for this but..." I was suddenly cut off by a pair of lips. My eyes widen as I take in what's happening. Shadow the hedgehog is kissing me. When it finally sets in that my dream is coming true, I melt into the kiss. When we finally break apart it feels like an eternity has passed but in reality it was only a few seconds. We look into each other's eyes. Smiling at each other. I guess we were thinking the same thing heheheh crazy. I can't believe that I have fallen in love with my rival. But hey that's just life, 😕😯😐well for me it is. We get up and leave the overpricedced coffee shop and head to my house hand in hand. I guess all it took was one of my most embarrassing secret to be revealed for me to be truly happy. I hope everyone else can find true happy.

Ok I know that was SUPER late and was probably shitty, but I tried. I kinda rushed through it because I know that I haven't been updating at all, and I really wanted to type something up for you guys. Sorry. Also the pic I choose literally has nothing to do with this story. Like it's not even this fandom. I just really like this image and I wanted to share it.

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