Knock Knock

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dedicated to TaureanQueen

Rayen's P.O.V
I'm currently getting a whole lot of love from my family and close friends on Facebook for my birthday. A few minutes go by and I get a phone call from my best friend Red.

"Happy Birthday Ray!! What we tryna get into tonight?" She asks.

"Girl I don't know, but I wanna do something fun tonight." I answer.

"Say no more, I got you. Just be ready by 9." She responds.

Word. 9:00, I'll definitely be ready." I say with a smile on my face. I know for sure Red is gonna have something unforgettable planned. Ever since we met last year, we have been the best of friends. She gives me the real and doesn't take no BS, and I need people like that in my life.

"Ooh girl. Before I forget." I quickly add.

"You remember the guy I told you about that I was talking to? Lucas?" I continue.

"Oh yeah, what about him?" Red asks.

"He supposed to be coming here this week and he's bringing his friend. This is the first time he is gonna see me in person, I am nervous as hell girl." I confess.

"Forreal. Hoemahhgahd! Did he tell you what day he was coming so you can at least be prepared?" Red responds

"Nope and that's what makes me even more nervous 'cause I don't know when he's gonna show up. Shit for all I know, they might be coming today. I'm trippin' Red." I exclaim trying to keep my composure.

"Damn girl, you know what I'm coming over there right now so you can relax." Red says.

"Please girl 'cause I'm going through it right now." I conclude.

"Well shit, let me go get dressed. I'll see you in a few minutes." Red laughs before hanging up. I'm so glad she's coming over because I don't even think I can do this by myself. But before I can even think of a plan, I hear a knock on my damn door.

Who the hell is that?

I realized that I never added a picture of Rayen so that you all know what she looks like, but I promise y'all I'll add one and I'll probably add a picture of her birthday outfit too. I appreciate all the love and support. Keep sticking with me y'all I'm going to do my best to keep this story updated.

What do you guys think about the story so far? Comment and let me know I wanna know what y'all think.

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