Love Letters

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(Snake's POV)

My hands shook as I read over the letter that I had written for (y/n) and I could feel my face heating up.

I can't give this to her! It's too embarrassing.

Emily sat on my shoulder, reading over the paper. I always thought she was rather good at this stuff.

Don't feel embarrassed, Snake! Emily hissed at me. It's sweet, girl's like that!

I shook my head.

Oh Snake, please give it to her. Emily pleaded me. All you have to do is remember to speak to her on your own and give her the letter. Then you can just walk away and wait for her response. It's not like you have to stand there while she reads it!

I shook my head again.

Emily lowered her head in sadness. She slithered off my shoulder, on to the floor, then to my bed where see curled up.

I can't do this!

I went over to my desk and opened the drawer. I hid the letter under a bunch of other papers so no one could find it and read it.

Letting out a sigh, I composed myself and walked out of my bedroom. It was almost time for the servants to eat lunch.

(Normal POV)

After Snake left the room, Emily poked her head up. She flicked her tongue and slithered off the bed. She went up the desk and, with all her might, opened the drawer with her head.

She slithered into the desk and came out with Snake's love letter. She went down desk and out the bedroom door with the letter still in her mouth. Oh did she sure have plans.


You were in the entrance hall cleaning the stair railing when you heard hissing. Confused, you looked down to Emily trying to climb up the stairs. She had a piece of paper in her mouth.

Curious, you stepped down to the step she was on and picked her up in your hands. You and Snake were extremely close, so that meant his snakes liked you.

"Hello Emily!" You chirped. "What's this you have here?"

With your free hand, you grabbed the piece of paper and Emily immediately let go. Emily crawled on to your shoulder so you could use your other hand.

You opened the folded paper and saw it was a letter. A letter addressed to you. You began to read.

Dear (y/n),

Is it crazy to say that I may have fallen in love with you?

You face lit up and looked at the very bottom of the letter to see who wrote this. Snake did. You went right back to the top and continued reading.

You were always so kind to me and didn't judge me for the way I looked. You didn't care that I'm technically not human and that I hang around snakes. Am truly grateful for that. You would always give me hugs and my heart would always flutter when you did.

Soon my heart began to flutter at the simplest things you did. Like when you would smile at me, say my name, laugh, and when you would talk to my snakes.

You began to become very special to me and because of this, I had my first conversation with you not through my snakes. I hadn't done that in a long time. I have been able to truly open up to you.

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