Chapter 1 - Alyx

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Chapter 1 - Alyx

Today is a wonderful day. Today is going to change everything. Well, not really... You see, today is Alyx's 16th birthday. Normally this would be the ticket to adulthood, but in Red Iron she is still a teenager and nothing more. A child. A small human being lost in thoughts deeper than the Universe.

The warm rays of sunshine caressed her cheek as the girl shifted in her bed. Something was off today. What could it be? Looking at the clock she noticed it was half past 7.

"Holly bollocks! I'm late! I should have been doing my hair by now!" The girl yelled as she jumped out of her bed and ran towards the dresser. "Good morning, mom! Today is a big day for me... And for you.." She whispered to herself as she looked at the picture of a smiling woman.

She finished her morning routine in a clumsy way trying to do it fast. She looked in the mirror and smiled.

"Today is going to be different."

Alyx walked downstairs where her father was reading the newspaper. How old fashioned it is, right? The girl didn't care, she loved her dad for being that way.

"Good morning, birthday girl! Feeling lucky today, my little hero?" Her father said grinning widely.

"Good morning, dad!" She smiled and hugged him. "Where is auntie Leah?"

"Her boss called. That bastard made her go to the office at 6 in the morning, can you believe it?!" Her dad said throwing the newspaper.

"Auntie Leah can handle everything, don't worry, she's a strong woman!" Alyx giggled seeing the confused expression of her father.

"I don't think we're talking about the same Leah. My sister is an airhead.." He sighed, shaking his head. "Waffles?"

"Dad. We had waffles yesterday too, and two days ago... And last week.." She said looking up at the ceiling faking to be lost in thoughts.

"Uh... Birthday waffles?"

"Dad!" The two of them laughed.

It was nice. Just the two of them, without anyone to disturb them. Just father and daughter. Ever since her mom disappeared, everything seemed to be falling apart, nothing was the same. All the little heroine wanted was to save lives and protect the innocent just like her favourite superhero, but... she failed. She couldn't prevent her mother's disappearance. In one day everything changed.

"Have a nice day at school!"


Walking outside the house she saw her friends waiting for her. She ran, her curls bouncing behind her.

"G'morning, SpiderKitty!" A tall boy with red hair said smirking.

"Good morning, Leon." She greeted with a frown while as she adjusted her glasses.

"Guys, we have to hurry if you don't want to be late for the bus!" A girl with thick glasses and straight brown hair said.

"Georgia, the driver will wait for us, don't worry!" Another girl piped in, this one had blue hair with green highlights. Such a cheap dye, it looked horrible on her.

"Not if we make him wait for too long, Roxy." Leon said starting to walk down the street.

"Wait for us, you wanker!" Alyx yelled as she started to run after him.

"Hurry up, lazy asses." The boy kept on walking as the girls followed him.

The girls were upset with him, but they enjoyed hanging with him, even though he was an ass from time to time. Poor Georgia has a crush on him and is too scared to tell him this. She knows that he is into pinup girls and that wasn't her style. She was too geeky for his tastes. Leon was in love with Alyx, ever since they first met. Even though Alyx is too oblivious to see how Leon struggles to get her to get her attention and love.

Roxy is Alyx's best friend and they share everything, even the fact that Roxy is attracted to girls. This isn't bothering Alyx at all. Roxy is a confident girl but whenever it comes to lovers she is scared that people will find out about her sexuallity and her reputation will be ruined. She and Leon made a pact: she will help him be with Alyx if he will say that they used to date. Roxy thinks that that's the only way to not look suspicious to her fans.

Alyx was dreaming about her Prince Of Darkness who will come and take her away from this painful world and will stop the suffering. Hair as dark as the night and blue eyes as the sky when the sun is up.

"I heard that we're having a new student." Georgia said cheerfully.

"It's the end of the school year and we get a new student, awesome.." Leon scoffed.

"Y-yeah, this really sucks! I know, right!" Georgia stuttered.

"Ooooh, what if it is a hotie?" Alyx smirked as she said that while looking at Roxy.

"A-Ah, t-that would be cool!" Roxy blushed understanding what her best friend meant.

The group walked towards their classroom and went to their seats. Everyone was quiet today. Didn't they know it was Alyx's birthday? How could they forget such an event! This is a crappy way to begin your week.

"Good morning, class!" The teacher entered the class as the students stood up and saluted him. "We were supposed to have a new student, but he's nowhere to be seen. Teenagers these days.."

Just great! No new student today, huh? No one knows about her birthday and no one has seen the new student.

As the teacher started his speech on how summer break was near, Alyx started to draw herself as a superhero as a scene started to play in her mind.

"Help! Help!" A woman in her 30's screamed.

"Don't worry, SpiderKitty is here!" The hero of the city appears hanging from building to building with her long tail.

"Oh, no! It's SpiderKitty! Let's leave this place!" The bad guys yelled, leaving the woman alone.

"Ohohoho, not until I rip your guts out and force you eat your own-.."

"Miss Jerkeens! How many times do I have to call you until you'll give me an answer?" The teacher said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"

"You didn't mean what? To be deaf from an early age or to pretend to be deaf?" The teacher said glaring daggers at the girl. "Oh," the teacher eyed the paper on her desk, "and what is this? Some kind of joke? 'SpiderKitty'? The lamest thing I have ever heard about!"

Everyone started to laugh except Leon, who nearly lost his calm, Roxy, who was about to yell at the teacher, and Georgia, who was looking down awkwardly.

"Excuse me," a soft voice spoke, "Is this 9 m.i.?" Everyone looked at the door.

There he was, her prince.

"Yes, it is. Who are you?"The teacher asked, walking in front of the class.

"Milan Brooke. Who is asking?" The boy asked smirking.

"Your future math teacher." The teacher answered.

"Nice to meet you I guess." He sighed and looked around the class, his eyes stopping upon Alyx.

She squeaked as he started to walk towards her. She closed her eyes as he raised his hand.

"Happy Birthday, princess." The boy said as his hand touched her circular gasses.

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