02: Walking into the room (well, it was Nando's)

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We were waiting when I saw a  blonde guy approching our table.He had a hoodie and glasses on , hair spiked up. 

He was really approaching us. I had a feeling that that guy was Niall, and that feeling proved to be wrong . No, I am kidding , actually  Right.

"Hey, Are you Alex? " Niall asked me , taking off his hoodie.

I guess he had an Irish accent .


Oh,shut up!  I told my brain .

I stood up and replied " Hey, I am ,and you would be  Niall. right ? "  

"Yep"  He replied and motioned for me to sit down.

We sat down. 

Then he glanced towards Amy , who was lost in the music that she was listening to with eyes closed. 

I poked her and when she looked at Niall, her eyes got wide and the most unsual thing happened : She fainted. 

"oh my god, Amy! " I started shaking her but she won't wake up. 

"Is she gonna be okay? " Niall asked , looking a bit worried and was wearing his hoodie on. 

"yea-I think so" I  replied with a weak smile.

"So, have you got my diary? " I asked him politely . 

"Yes, here it is " He said while giving me my diary . 

"Thank you very much and I am sorry If I troubled you . " I told him . 

"No, no not at all " 

I gave him a polite smile . 

Should I go now or talk more ?  

"Well, ehm, I should leave now . " I said . 

"yeah, okay ." He said. 

It was quite hard to handle Amy , Niall noticed it so he helped me to get Amy into the car. 

Why did she have to faint now ? 

"Thanks " I said when Amy got into the car. 

"No prob." 

I got in the driver's seat . 

"See ya "  I bade hime good bye even though I wasn't sure whether I would ever see him again . 

"See ya  " Niall replied with his charming smile. 


Shut up.  Great,now I was conversing with myself. 

When I reached the appartment , I carried Amy to her room.

As it was still 6.30 , I called Li and asked  her if she could  come over and she agreed.

after 10 minutes, the bell rung . I opened the door and it was Li.

"Hey "  She greeted me . 


"Where's Amy? " She asked. 

"She's in her room  "  

Hearing this , Li headed to her room , and I followed pursuit .

"What happened to her ? Does she sleep like that? "  Li asked me . 

"No, she doesn't . What really happened was that we were waiting for Niall in our seats and when she kinda saw him , she  fainted and.. " 

I wasn't even finished and Li let out a loud laugh . 

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