Chapter 7

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Being a gentleman, he decided to walk her back to the hotel, with the fact that she had took over the hotel they originally agreed to share. So in reality, he doesn't had any place for the night. Pulling his suitcase behind him, her high-heels came to a halt as they approached the hotel's entrance.

"Here it is." She whispered, breaking the awkward silence that was between them the whole journey.

"Ah. Right." He scratched the back of his neck. "Good night then." Forcing a smile, he swung around.

"Wait." She stopped him. "Do you have anywhere to stay?" She pointed to the suitcase.

"Umm you took the hotel so.." He looked around awkwardly. "I'll just get a cheap hotel near by for the night."

"You can stay with me."

"Huh?" His neck inched forward in surprise.

"I mean, i have a sofa."

"Sofa?" She nodded.


The both of them just couldn't fall asleep, tossing and turning on their beds; and sofa. Dressed in bathrobe as their PJs, their minds were so occupied by what happened earlier on the bridge. None of them knew why he did that. Groaning in fustration, she decided to get out her bedroom for a breather. The sofa is outside in the living room. What seperate them is two brown doors.

She carefully pushed the door opened. Peeping through the small hole she made, she realised that he was asleep; is he? She tip-toed do the kitchen for a cup of water. Leaning against the kitchen counter, she sighed as she held onto the now empty cup.

"Can't sleep?" She jumped at the sudden voice. Looking up from the floor, she met his eyes. Smiling a nervous one, she nodded. "You too?"

He nodded, scratching the back of his neck. "You ok?" He asked concenly. She's not. She's far from ok. She nodded as she bit her lower lip.

"Need to talk? I can't sleep anyway." She nodded, biting her lips. They made their way to the sofa, aka his bed. Pulling out his iPad, she got him to unlock. Puzzled, he complied.

"Do you know why am I so keen to visit Tasmania?" She asked. He shook his head as his answer.

"Because-" She shoved the iPad back to his hand. "Tasmania has the shape of the heart. And to me, it's the heart of the Earth. And it seems to me that if i'm able to get there, it seems like everything is possible." She explained.

He was surprised at her explanation

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He was surprised at her explanation. She chuckled nervously. "I'm sorry, it's just-"

"No it's fine. Everyone has their own reason behind their beliefs." He smiled reassuaringly. She seemed so broken inside. A part of him wants to question about her history. But another part of him decided to respect her privacy. His eyes drifted from the iPad to her. A shiny tear was sliding down her cheek. Realising that his eyes were on her, she hurriedly wiped it off with her hand.

"I'm sorry." She cleared her throat.

"You know, it's alright to cry when you need to." She nodded. She knows, but not in front of him.

"I'll- i'm going to bed." She pushed herself up. "Good night." She whispered, making her way back to her bed. There's just this wall she built that kept him away, from her heart. He wants to knock it down and understand her, her pain. But she's just shutting him out, shutting everyone out.


"Mr Kang, your car is ready for collection at 12pm." The other end of the line said.

"Yeah ok. Thanks." He glanced at his watch, 11.50am. They were strolling down a row of shops. And she stopped in front of a bridal shop, staring at a beautiful dress on display.

"Hey, let's go. We're running late." He nudged her. It's almost time to get the car they needed.

"Yeah just- give me a minute". Her eyes unable to tear away from the dress.

"Stay here then. I'll fetch the car. Stay put." He ordered before leaving. And as soon as he was out of sight, she made way into the shop.

"Welcome." The two female staffs greeted with a friendly smile.


"You look beautiful." One of them compliment as she turned to face the mirror. She is stunning, especially in the wedding dress she tried on. The side of her lips lifted. So this is how it's like to wear a wedding dress. She placed her hand on her beating heart; it's beating so fast.

 She placed her hand on her beating heart; it's beating so fast

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The door swung open. "Oh this must be your fiance?" The staff asked. Smiling, she turned around asking "Am I pretty?" But faced a totally different man, not the one she expected.

"Are you done with your fun? Ready to go home with me?" Her smile dropped as soon as she saw him.

"I was so worried about you." She didn't dare to look at him in the eye.

"I'll- i'll get change." She drew the changing curtain back up and sat on the chair. She didn't want to go just yet, having some unfinished business. Suddenly, sounds of horning could be heard from outside. Peeking out from the curtains, he was outside with the rented car. The man who came for her was facing the wall, back-facing her. She called for the staff quietly.

"I'll buy this dress. My fiance will pay." The staff's face lighted at this sentence. "Fantastic." And as soon as her back was turned to her, she ran for the door in the dress.

"Drive, hurry!" He was still digesting what's happening as she slided into the passenger's seat.

"Jihyo! Don't go too overboard!" The man shouted as the staffs pulled him back.

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