Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Nagisa's POV: Chapter 1: The Beginning

It felt like more than two years since I had last seen Karma. The pain I saw in his face, as I walked away was almost unbearable. I couldn't stand it, which is why I didn't even so much as glace back.

I had promised him that day, I'd see him in a few years, told him goodbye, and walked away, knowing he'd fall apart.

But sadly, those two years ago, I had lied to him. I was actually going with a friend of mine to train. His name is Yuki.

We had grown up with each other all our lives, and though we weren't blood related, we even called each other brothers.

The reason why I had said my mom instead of my friend, was so Karma had a less chance of finding me.

Even though I know taht won't stop him from looking for me. Yuki spyed on him for me, and found out that he was going to extreme measures to find me. From the whole class looking for me, to even the news claiming me as missing.

Just yesterday, Yuki and I had a chat with each other, and decided my training was to be over in two months. Until then, I had to lay low, not even so much as letting someone know my real name, age, or other important details. It was to just keep me hidden for a little longer.

Why was I training? Yuki had told me something two years ago. Something that even shocked me.

I wasn't what I thought I was.

I'm sorry that it's so short, but at least it's up.

Nagisa Shiota X Karma Akabane [My Cute Assassin]Where stories live. Discover now