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"Well, thank you. You're very kind. I do have a question though. When can I leave the ruins?" I wanted to go explore the rest of the Underground. I wanted to see if Flowey was wrong about the monsters, like how he was wrong about Toriel.

Toriel froze in place. She then wipes her hands, after shaking out of her trance, with a towel before looking at me seriously with an evil glare in her eyes. "You can never leave. . ."

NOW. . .

I had argued against Toriel that afternoon until she threatened me with a fireball and sent me to my room. It left me feeling like a child again despite me being 20. Toriel was intimidating at times, but for some reason she didn't want me to leave. I kept pestering her for a way out but she wouldn't tell me. I even searched the house for an exit, but there was none. I had checked everywhere except the stairs leading to the basement.

It's gotta be the exit. It's the only place I haven't checked, I think as I lay in my bed pretending to be asleep. I had been there for five days now, and my stomach couldn't handle anymore of her pies. Toriel had a violent side to her as well, but she tried her best not to let it out. I had encountered some of her temper tantrums a few times, and they weren't very pretty. It was nighttime now, and I am waiting for Toriel to go to bed. She always goes to bed after checking in on me to see if I were asleep. But, she's a bit late on her usual checkup tonight. Sleep is softly calling to me, trying to lure me to close my eyes. I can't let my drowsiness get a hold of me. I want to get out of this home, for both curiosity and my physical health of course.

The door swings open and Toriel pops her head in as I close my eyes and let out a soft snore. She then walks over to me and stands there for a while before petting my head and walking out. I open my eyes and listen for her footsteps. Toriel's room was right beside mine and the walls were awfully thin. Last night, I could hear her crying. The night before that, I assumed she had nightmares because she would cry out the names, "Asriel," and, "Asgore" at the weirdest times of night. Slowly, I get out of bed and listen for her room to become silent. She isn't crying tonight, but by the creak of her bed and loud snores, I can tell she's asleep.

I tiptoe across the room and exited the "prison." In no time, I reach the stairs that lead to a dark hallway. They seemed to have no end. For some reason, I feel like I should turn back and just stay with Toriel forever. But I knew that I couldn't. I wouldn't. I am determined to get out of here. After a few more minutes of walking, I come to a giant door that has the same logo that is on Toriel's dress. I was just about to open the doors, but a fireball flew past my face and almost burnt my hand.

"How dare you! After everything I've given you, you still choose to leave me?!" I turn around to face Toriel, her expression broke my heart. Her eyes are bloodshot and her fur around her eyes glistens with what I'm assuming are tears. She has been crying again. "You will DIE out there! No one will love you like I will, they're all greedy selfish bastards who only care about killing!"

"Toriel please! Let me go, I need to be free! I'm not some stray animal in which you can just pick up and adopt from the streets. And besides that, I'm 20! Not some child," I plead.

"Not some child?! I helped you! I gave you shelter, clothing, and fed you! As if you were my own. . .  And this? This is how you repay me?!" She waves her arm around with a fireball following her movements. "If you think you are so strong. . . If you are brave enough to fight me and win. . . I'll let you go," she whispers. A smile creeps onto my lips in happiness. Was she really going to let me go?

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