Chapter II ((UNEDITED))

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Art : Danime_writes


"YOU," a voice booms from the tunnel leading to the Underground. Simultaneously, Flowey and I turn our heads to see the attacker is a tall woman with goat like features for a face. Her ears are long and her eyes red. She has fangs that are as white as her fur, it glistens from the light emanating from a floating fireball resting in her hand. "Get away from the human!" Flowey growls and puts on his scary face.

"Toriel. . ."

NOW . . .
"Who the hell is that Flowey?" I scream as I get up, preparing to run if need be.

"Toriel," Flowey hissed. His vines— or were they his roots— came alive and raised by his side. "Why are you here?"

"That human is not safe here! And especially not with weeds such as you! Come, you human, I am safe. Get away from that monstrosity," Toriel says with her eyes glowing brighter at every word she speaks. Her weird dress is torn at the hem and there seems to be scorch marks at random spots. She didn't seem safe at all.

"Go home Toriel! If you truly care about this human you wouldn't be making this much ruckus! You'll only alert the—"

"Don't you dare talk about him in my presence!" She yells, her eyes actually aflame. A fireball launches out of her hand and before I knew it was running to block its course from Flowey. I close my eyes and jump, bracing myself for the impact of the flames. But none came. I opened my eyes to find the flame ball floating merely a foot (or more, I can't judge distances all that well) away from my face. "Why do you intervene, child?"

I gulp, but make sure to stand my ground. "Why in the fuck would you want to harm a helpless plant? For fuck's sake, why the hell do you have to resort to violence?" I ask, my tone crescendoing. The fireball dissipates and Toriel walks forward.

"You know nothing. 'Resort to violence,' you say?!" She cackled. "Look at your pathetic excuse of clothes. Covered in blood like that and you think me to be the violent one." Toriel stops right in front of me and grabs my arm, pulling me closer to her face. "You want to save him? Come with me and I promise to leave him alone." I try to shake my arm loose from her grip but to no avail. It's firm, yet it has a sort of gentleness to the hold.

"Fine," I say as I give in. "I'll go with but swear to do Flowey no harm." I couldn't see his face as my back is turned towards him, but I could feel his glare on my back.

"What the hell? No, just stay here. She won't hurt me, she can't. Don't be dumb," Flowey replies.

"No. We're going," Toriel says and then releases my arm only to hold onto my hand. She drags me out of the cave opening and I turn only to catch a glimpse of Flowey's sinister face frowning.

Along the way, I had encountered some strange creatures. A frog named Froggit, this weird pixie thing called a Whimsun, and this weird jello thing I always forgot the name of. Modsal? Molasses? I can't recall. Toriel shooed them all away before I could get the chance to talk to them and took me to a shortcut to her house. "This place is much too dangerous for you. Stay with me, my child," she had repeated over and over again. It was slightly beginning to become annoying.

We finally reach a door that instantly leads us to the entrance of a purple house. It looks awfully cozy for a place as Flowey had described. "Is this where you live?" I ask Toriel.

"Yes, now lets go inside before any vermin can show up again," she frowns while pushing me inside. I had discovered that she isn't actually as scary or vicious as how she was acting before. Nothing about her or this place really looks like how Flowey described. Had he lied to me?

We go inside and I immediately cover my nose. The house doesn't have a pleasant smell. It smells of the dead and something burning? "Ugh, Toriel, what is that smell?"

"That's my pie! I had baked some earlier for lunch, but why don't you have a slice?" she smiles, though it looks like she's about to kill me I now know that her smile is just her genuine smile. Toriel leads me into an ordinary kitchen, although it is a bit worn down. The walls were beginning to turn black and there are a lot of dishes in the sink that desperately need cleaning.

She brings over a piece of burnt pie on a plate. "I hope you do like cinnamon-butterscotch pie, its my favorite!" She smiles while offering it to me. I try my best not to grimace, it looks inedible for a human like me to eat. It doesn't even remotely look like a slice of pie.

"Um, no thanks. . . I'm pretty full. I'm just a bit parched," I smile weakly. I hope she has clean water. Toriel frowns for a second at my rejection, but her smile reappears on her face as quickly as her frown came. It makes me wonder if I imagined her disapproval.

"Anything for you my child," she says while going to the fridge and grabbing a water bottle. "It's fresh from Snowdin."

"Snowdin?" I question as I opened the bottle and drink from it.

"Oh! Never mind that. You must be tired, let me show you to your room." She pushes me out of the kitchen and leads me into a bedroom that looks more like it was designed for seven year-olds. There's a twin bed in the corner that looks like its too small for me to fit into and a closet on the wall filled with little kid's sweaters.

"Um. . . Toriel, I don't think I'll be able to fit in these clothes," I say as I walk over to the closet and examine the clothes.

"Oh don't you worry, you can always borrow one of my dresses. Would you like to bathe yourself now or in the morning? You do look a bit. . . dirty." She looks me up and down. I suddenly feel conscious about my looks.

"Yeah, if its fine with you, I'd very much like to get cleaned up," I blush. Toriel seems happy by my words and shows me to the bathroom. It is a simple one shower, toilet, and sink layout. On the towel rack, there hangs a dress exactly like Toriel's but only smaller to fit my size. I was about to ask her how she got the dress into the bathroom so quickly when I literally asked her for it a minute ago, but she was gone before I got the chance. Sighing, I undress and take a shower quickly, making sure to wash all of the blood out of my hair.

As I look at the water and see the blood turn the water a bright red, I begin to shake. The memories of last night begin to invade my mind again. I was hurt. Not physically, but mentally of course. Its not everyday where your friends are killed right before your eyes. . . I shake my head. Showers were no good. I always end up thinking about things I never want to. I leave the shower and get dressed. (That's right kids, there ain't no smut in these first few chappies until we get to Snowdin)

When I get outside, I go back into the room she had given me to find her pie sitting on the floor. I looked at it in disgust. Toriel is nice and all, but I don't have the heart to eat it. So, I threw it out of the window instead. I'm sure the monsters would enjoy it far more than I would. I decide to go out and look for Toriel since there are a few questions I have to ask her.

I find Toriel in the kitchen washing the dishes, but she didn't seem to be doing a good job at washing them. "Ah, hello my child. You do look lovely in that dress. Especially after you've washed up and all," she says while turning her head to get a good look at me.

"Well, thank you. You're very kind. I do have a question though. When can I leave the ruins?" I wanted to go explore the rest of the Underground. I wanted to see if Flowey was wrong about the monsters, like how he was wrong about Toriel.

Toriel froze in place. She then wipes her hands, after shaking out of her trance, with a towel before looking at me seriously with an evil glare in her eyes. "You can never leave. . ."


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