Meeting him || Chapter 1

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I met Phil on the Internet not too long ago, we've been talking for a while. Phil is so kind and sweet, he asks how my day was and if it wasn't okay he'd always try to comfort me and he'd make everything better. Today Phil and I were texting each other again, we decided to try and Skype each other. Now, I've seen some pictures of Phil, but i haven't seen him in any videos so I don't know his voice or much of how he looks. I'm excited.

Danny Boy. I finally get to see him for the first time. Today Dan and I decided to Skype and I'm super hyped! Dan is such a nice person for only talking to for about a month or so. I'm ready to start Skyping. "Should I text him?" I said aloud. I decided to, but not too much because i don't want to give him the impression that I'm clingy...

Phil walks over to his laptop and turns it on. He takes a deep breath. "I'm ready." Phil had assured himself aloud. Phil picks up his phone and goes to messages. He taps 'Dan Howell' and starts to type. "Hey Dan, I've got Skype all set up and ready. Are you ready?" read the text. Phil sent it and set down his phone. He walked to the computer and booted up Skype.

"I don't know if Phil is ready." Dan said to himself. Soon after he hears a ding. Dan picks up his phone to see a text message from Phil. "Hey Dan, I've got Skype all set up and ready. Are you ready?" the text message read. I responded, "As ready as I'll ever be! Give me a call." Im actually quite nervous to see Phil...

Phil didn't bother to respond he just quickly hopped into his chair by his computer. Phil is usually lonely during the days because he decided to get a dorm room without a roommate. Dan on the other hand lives with another guy named Casper. Phil decided that now was the time he was going to call Dan. He pushed the call button and waited anxiously for Dan to answer. Dan had gone into his room in the dorm and shut the door. Soon after, Dan got a call from Phil. He took a deep breath and accepted. There was a moment of silence where the screen was all black.

As the black screen flashed away and revealed Phil, I almost cried. To see his face finally was a blessing. "Hello!" Phil said excitedly as he smiled and waved. "Oh my god! It's actually you Phil! I can't believe it!"

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