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Dedicated to feminovelist

Proceeding to the glass pod he pleased his hand on the glass, finding it difficult not  to stared long and hard at who was in front of him. The resemblance was uncanny.

Even though he had been there for a while. They had become fast friends. They both had the urge to do what it took to save their city. Barry recognized the face but every bone in his body told him it wasn't her. Of course it couldn't be, the girl with such high hope of saving the day and a new budding love live would be could not be in a shuttled pod that denied her access to the free world.

He glanced over at Dr. Wells who was studying Earth -1 Kara.

"She looks a lot like a person i use to know "  Barry said

"Pay no attention to her physical features, she not human "

"That does not mean you get to put her in a tube and treat her like some lab rat "

"On the contrary, it actual does, you see Mr. Allen. I found her when she crash landed on earth and i was the one that covered it so the government didn't get suspicious. "

"It still doesn't-"

"If it wasn't for me, she'd be in a much worst situation, trust me the other alien would trade place in a heart beat"

"Other alien "

"Yes Mister Allen "

"There a lot you don't know about our earth Barry "

"I'm definitely starting to realize that. "


Caitlin and Ronnie ran down the alley with the sound of  police sirens on their tails. They came to an abrupt stop at the end of the alley with no possible exits . As Siren sounds increase by the second Ronnie saw a look of fear in Caitlin eyes. He clasped her face  with his hands.

"Look at me honey, this isn't the end."

"What were we thinking "  She asked

" We were doing the right thing, trying to put a stop to that monster "

"At the risk of our  own lives, Ronnie, we can't go to jail "

"We won't, i'll find a way to fix
this "

"There's something i need to tell you " she said with tears running down her face.

"What is it ? " 

"I'm pregnant Ronnie- I'm pregnant ! " Caitlin said half in tears and smiles.

"I'm going to be a fath- "

His words were cut off by  police officers entering the alley. As they came closer their face became visible to both parties.

" Honey listen to me, When i give you the signal run "

"Ronnie ! "

"None of my girls are going down with me "

" Don't move " the police officer said again.

Ronnie preceded towards the cops with his hands ran raised.

"Ronnie " Caitlin screamed and grabbed his hands. "I wont let you do this "

Before he could respond she kissed and hug him.

"Step away from each other" the police office said.

"I'm afraid i cant do that" Caitlin said. And with those words she raised her hands in the air. Ice erupted from below her feet and she and Ronnie rose pass the view of the officers and over buildings.


Vibe checked his watch board for any uncertainty in the streets of Central City. In the past few months, pictures of criminals pinned up on his criminal board have been slowly finding their way in his trash can after more capture. More or less the streets of Central City has never been more save.

Vibe unattached one of the few photos left on the board. It was a picture of one of the villains he could not seem to catch. The man who gave him the key to the city Leonard Smart or as he would like to call himself Citizen Cold.

Cisco placed the picture in the palm of his hands and soon enough it started to float. Vibratory wave patterns appear visible to the naked eye as the picture twist and turn in spirals. There was a light buzz and a puff of smoke as the picture disintegrated.

"Nice parlor trick " Cisco heard a familiar voice say .

"I thought i told you what would happen if you came back here "

"It's just a chance I'll have to
take " 

"What do you want Flash ? "

"Your help "

"My help to do what ? "

"Help save a friend "

"And what makes you think I'll help you ? "

"Because your central city's finest hero and i know your a good person "


A black limo descending down the busy streets of central city came to a screeching halt when ice came out of no where landing at the far end of the road.  Leonard Snart roll down his window to catch a glimpse at what had just taken place. Outside  he spotted a couple running away from where the ice ended.

"Sarah are you okay ? " he said diverting his attention to the lady beside him.

"Everything okay Mr. Snart " she replied.

"Mick ! Are you seeing this ? " 

" Yea, thing almost crashed into me " he hear Mick say from the driver seat.

"Let's check out the damage because there's no way I'm paying for this" Snart said.

They all got out of the limo, with cold winds the first thing that hit them. The black asphalt road had traded it's skin for a white crystal look. Bending down Leonard run down his fingers across the ice.

"Don't touch that Sir " Sarah said
"It's just ice Sarah, Magnificent Ice. "

"Where did it come from ? "

"   I'm betting one of the meta humans we have lurking around central city"

"  The limo's not going anywhere, Ice splinters are in the wheel- what should we do Mayor"

"Call a new car and i need the meta human that did this "

"Why sir ? "

"Because with powers like this, we can rule the seafood business worldwide. "

"You didn't tell me, we  were breaking and entering , and of all places Star Labs "

"I don't think you would have come if  i told you " Barry  said punching in a code to the key pad.

" It's still breaking and entering "

" Not if you have the code " he said smiling as the color on the key lock turn from  red to green. They slipped through the door and ran down the hall careful enough to duck whenever the moving cameras looked their way.

They continued down the path and Barry opened the hidden path where they slipped in undetected.

"Who is she ? "

" The look-a-like of a good
  friend "

"Okay so how do you suggest we get her out "

"That's why your hear Cisco, do you thing  ? "

"Having the ability to control vibration is hardly a thing "

"Okay I'm sorry , just help me get her out  "

"Stand back string bean "

Barry stepped back and watch to see what Cisco would do.  Cisco stood firmly in front of the pod and placed his hands on the pod. Slowly cracks ran out from the pod and the glass felt to the floor.
Barry stepped into the glass pod and removed the restrains on Kara's look alike hands and feet.

[The Flash] : Flashpoint 3.0जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें