Friends and Foe

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Citizens of central city made their way towards the parade square. The place had taken up a new appearance for this special occasion. Banners, Balloons , Toys and even food were shaped to the likeness of it's one true hero.

The rumbling noise from the congregated group cease once the Mayor stood up on the podium. Eyes all around were glued to what was taking place. Some witnessed it in person while others watched from behind their television screens it was indeed a joyous and festive occasion.

"We are here today, to do what no other city has done. And that is acknowledging the local vigilante or hero who took it upon himself to save this city, after the rise of meta-humans from the pipeline explosion.
Now this one hero in particular is no stranger to you or me. He's a friend to many and a hero to all. He has fought valiantly in the name of justice. Ladies and Gentle men please help me welcome Central City Hero Vibe! " said the mayor

The crowd erupted with applause as they saw vibe entered the stage and made his way to the podium.

The mayor continued " Vibe, today we want to offer you the key to city to show you gratitude for always helping us against our ever growing list of foes. "

"Thank you for having me Mayor Snart, it's truly an honour I'm grateful for. Everyday i get up and continue to protect this city because this is my HOME AND THERE ISN'T ANYTHING I WOULDN'T TO SAVE MY FAMILY. THAT'S WHAT ALL OF YOU ARE TO ME"

"FAMILY" vibe repeated for emphasis

The crowd again erupted with applause and cheers from what vibe said.

Leonard Snart Handed him the key to the city and everyone watched as Vibe raise it in the air.

"To the Finest Hero Central City has ever known " said Snart

********************************* Barry watched among all the spectators as the man he knew as Captain Cold now know as Citizen Cold from word of mouth handed over a giant key to Cisco and dubbed him Central City's finest hero. A honour that was once bestowed upon him. As people applauded and gushed about what had just taken place. Barry hustled his way out of the crowd.

Earlier today Vibe saved his life from some speedster and when He called out Cisco. The man placed his hands on the ground again sending mild shock waves into the broken road. It was strong enough for Barry to fall back and not see where Cisco went.

Now he was sure his friend knew nothing about him. Barry Allen was just one of the strange faces among the crowd of central City admirers.


Barry made his way to the CCPD, quite taken with the idea that he might see more surprises from the new timeline.

He approach the front desk where a middle age bald cop sat eating donuts. Once the cop noticed that he had company he quickly stuffed the box into His desk. Then casually leaned forward and said " what can i get for you today "

"Hi...oh. .I came to see Joe West."
"Joe Who ?"

"Detective West"

"Come on Barry , why are you yanking my chain, who put you up to this, was it Tim, Hank, Iris."


"I knew it was her, why don't you go and tell her round back to cut it out "

"Sure thing Chuck, " Barry said after looking at the officers Name tag.

"I'll do just that, thanks" Barry said making his way pass cops. None of whom stopped him or questioned where he was going. Just a few friendly nods and smiles along the way. It seemed he still had connection in the police world. He looked around for West desk and saw it was empty.

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