"Wow that's all fascinating, but are you saying that citizen cold may have had something to do with the pipeline explosion breaking"

"That's exactly what I'm saying the only reason why we aren't shut down now is because S.T.A.R.S labs has been deemed an historical relic so there's no grounds for it to be demolished  "
" That's a lot to chew on, I'm back in town after being gone for two years, could we talk about all this over dinner. "

"Are you asking- " Fiona was cut off the conversation as she focused on the audio voice in her head.

"Rain check Mr. Allen" she said smiling.

"Can i have  your attention guys"

Most persons stopped what they were doing and gave her their undivided attention.

"I have a surprise for you , Dr. Wells have decided to join us "


"Here he is " Fiona said to the crowd.

Dr. Wells walked towards  the group eyeing them quizzically and then said

" Welcome to S.T.A.R.S labs, it quite an honour to have all of you here." He said

Everyone stood quite memorized by the man that created the pipeline explosion. Even Barry was speechless, this of course was the real doctor wells. Not a speedster that took the face of the famous scientist and that the earth 2 version. Everyone waited for him to continue.

" Now let me ask you , why are you all here." He said taking a moment to pause.

"Wait don't tell me , I'm pretty sure most of you are here because you all love the sciences or you want to hear about the pipeline explosion. All in all your all here for the same reason. And that is to learn.

' GRASP NEW KNOWLEDGE 'and feed the brain and that's what science is. It about testing , experimenting all in the name of proving a theory and by proving a theory new information is gain. So i say to you all again welcome to my humble abode where your questions will be answer and knowledge will be given. "

"We're actually here for something else " Barry heard someone in the group said.

"And what Is that ? " Dr. Wells said looking around trying to see who said that.

"To take your life " they said

"Why don't you show  yourself "

Out of no where the room  temperature dropped. And behind the crowd  ice engulf the floor raising the two assailants in the air as persons ran for cover.

"Is this better for you "

"Just who are " Doctor Wells said  not showing even a glimpse of fear.

"It's your former protégé"

"Ronald Raymond ? "

"Took you long enough" Ronnie said

"What do you want "

"We want our lives back and that's not possible because my wife's a walking ice cube and I'm a living fire."

"And what's so bad about this, you should be thanking me "

"We've thought about it and we just  want to see you dead , Now Caitlin " Ronnie shouted.

Quickly Caitlin raised her hands in the air and ice pricks made their way towards Dr.Wells slicing everything in it ways.

Doctor Wells stopped in his track when he felt his back to a wall. In front of hin ice darts plunged towards him. Barry ran straight at Dr. Wells just in time to push him out of the way.

As they laid on the group quite relief that they got away from a near death experience. Barry heard a shriek and saw more ice coming for them.

For moment he wished he had he superspeed to dart out of there with the civilians. But in this life he could only pray the ice didn't kill him.

"Caitlin don't do this " he managed to say.

She looked at him long and hard not able to hurt him.

The sounds of sirens echoed a crossed the building.

"Honey we need to  before the cops arrive "  Ronnie said

Caitlin released her control over the ice and  followed Ronnie as they ran for cover. After the police had arrived on the scene they assess the situation and send everyone but doctor wells home. Barry was about to leave when Dr. Wells stopped him.

"Young man we should talk "

"Hi , my name is Barry Allen"

"Thank you for saving me"

"Oh its no problem, i like to think that others would do the same for  me "

"Trust me , not everyone would "

"Well that's nice to know "

"Honestly I'm truly am, you've saved my life "

"Well it won't last that long"

"What do you mean"

"They gonna come back for you "

"Well I'm not worried"

"You were pretty defenseless when they attacked you "

"Well not any more, i wasn't prepared and i have something  to take care of that "

"What's that "

"Follow me Mr. Allen."

They preceded to the back of S.T.A.R.S  labs. Right where the hidden layer Barry saw two years ago gave away Reverse Flash. When they went inside the surrounding was different and as Barry eyes took it all in. He saw something that shocked him the most.

"Kara ?"

"No ,That's my STARR...She literally came from the sky. "

"How ? "

"Let's save that for later, right now we need to wake up my 'POWER GIRL '.

[The Flash] : Flashpoint 3.0Where stories live. Discover now