Even with Athena, though she was less like the others, I was still careful to keep her close. All the gods were occasionally struck with rage and pride that they could not see past. I kept the memory of what she did to Medusa and Arachne as a reminder, or a warning. However, she didn't chase after unwitting mortals and rape them, either, like some of the gods. I fought not to look at Apollo with revulsion, who was known to boast about his conquests.

"I'm glad I caught you before you returned to the mortal world. We do not often meet when we are both there," Athena said, moving her hair over her shoulder to braid it.

"No, we do not," I agreed. I assisted my mother with agriculture, and Athena's wars were places crops did not grow.

"How long are you here before you must leave?"

"A day or two. I'm not entirely sure. Mother said she would call on me when I am needed."

"Ah, yes... Demeter." Athena paused and the silence between us grew ripe. "How is she?"

"I'll let you know when I see her." I slipped, letting some of my bitterness flow into my voice.

My mother, Demeter, stayed in the mortal world. It was her domain and nearly as far from Zeus as she could get. After my birth, she left me on Olympus for the other gods to raise. I lived here, with them, and occasionally went down to Earth to help my mother. I had inherited her green thumb, but thankfully, nothing from my father.

Athena spoke softly. "At least Zeus let your mother live, Persephone."

"She is a child of Cronus and Rhea, just as he is. He wouldn't kill her."

Zeus was our father, a creator to many gods, but he was not well-liked. He took after his own father in more ways than one. Zeus swallowing Metis and Athena because of a prophecy—that the offspring he had with Metis would overthrow him—was nearly identical to what Cronus had done to start the Titanomachy.

In a way, I did enjoy my brief leaves of absence from Olympus. The Olympians' antics were exhausting, as the desire for peace and quiet was hardly one of their priorities, and I was constantly forced to act as though I enjoyed myself or risk being harped at. While the others came and went to perform their duties as gods, offering reprieves from revelries, I drifted aimlessly until each harvest when my mother finally summoned me. Regardless of looking forward to my respite from the chaos and drama, my complicated relationship with my mother always soured any prospects of truly enjoying myself while I was away from home.

Dionysus changed the tone, pouring another glass of wine for me and refilling Athena's. "We'll have the grandest harvest party before you leave!"

"That's not necessary. I have to do this every year!" I chuckled and sipped my wine.

Athena turned to me. "Thank you for this. Here, let me return the favor."

I obliged and we switched positions, Athena's lean thighs putting pressure on my hips. I unclipped the fibulae holding my peplos up and let the fabric fall to my waist. Nudity was not uncommon in Olympus. The Olympians were all lovers in some way or another, and no one would bat an eye at me. I passed her the oil and she slathered it over my skin. I sighed when her thumbs pressed into the muscles lining my spine.

"You're tense."

"Says you," I laughed and lifted my gaze to the rest of my family in the room, who were eyeing us again. "Don't you all have something better to do than watch us?"

"You've grown quite beautiful, Persephone. Naturally, it is because I had a hand in raising you." Aphrodite smiled and went to brush a lock of golden red hair behind her ear, but thought better of the futility and pinned it back into her updo. "I swear, the Charites are never around when I need them. Hera hoards all their time to herself."

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