Aphmau was looking out a castle window as she watched the seashell carriage pass security guards and enter the kingdom of Pheonix Drop. Tears trickled down her rosy cheeks as she wiped them with her arm. I have no choice anymore, I have to do this.

"This is what every young mermaid has to go through in their lives, I had to do the same thing, Aphmau, but hey," She looked into my eyes, "I got married to your handsome father and we had you together. Life always gets better, no matter how bad it is at the time." She motivated, smiling a toothy smile.

"T-Thanks Mom." I said, wiping my tears once more. "Now get this dress on and meet me in the kelp fields where the competition will be taking place." She said, swimming out of the room, her orange tail leaving a trail of bubbles behind her until she closed the door.

It was a red and white dress that went down to where her knees would be if she had legs. There was lace ends (which was white) and the sleeves were long. It contrasted nicely with Aphmau's purple tail.

She swam out of her room with her dress on and met up with her mother in the kelp fields, sitting in her throne next to her mother and father, in between them.

After her two parents giving boring speeches about instructions and explaining what everyone will be doing that Aphmau wasn't listening to, they announced the names of the candidates that will be competing to win over Aphmau's heart and marry her.

Lover boy- Vylad

Emo/Goth boy- Zane

HOTTIE BOY- Garroth.

Garroth, hmm, that's a nice name! "What you three young men will be competing in to win my daughter Aphmau's heart is..." My mother started, looking at me to tell her what it is.

Hmm, should I go all Katniss Everdeen on this and say archery? Or should I go all Rachael Ray and do cooking and baking?

"Rachael Ray!" I shouted, making my mom laugh, as she raised her right index finger in the air, "Cooking!" She yelled, "That's the first challenge today!"

There were 3 tables, with many ingredient options, a cutting board, silverware, etc. on the top of it and a stove and microwave next it the tables. Each boy had to wear a chef hat and impress Aphmau with what they would make.

"3..." My mom started.

"2..." My dad continued.

"1!" I yelled, swimming up and down in excitement.

I saw Garroth first, he was making explosions of flour appear everywhere, soaking into the salt water.

Then Zane, he made peanut butter splat all over himself, even though the water washed it off.

Finally Vylad, he was stirring a thick mixture that was splashing all around, following the currents of the deep ocean.

I watched in excitement with my hair down and a chef hat on, I walked near each table to see how everyone was doing, Zane looked like he was having some trouble, Garroth looked fine, and Vylad looked like he knew exactly what he was doing.

I quickly swam back to my chair and sat down. I forgot about Laurance, I hope he understands that I have to do this...

I got the negative thoughts out of my head and focused on the cooking.

The final products were;

Garroth- Crab cakes

Zane- Peanut butter and fish paste sandwiches

Vylad- Clam chowder.

I taste tested them all, and I decided, the first loser was... Zane.

"The fish paste just is very runny and there wasn't enough effort put into this, which is why you were the first person done." I sadly said.

Vylad laughed, "Ohhhhhh buddy!"


After a break where everybody got to eat lunch and play for a while all the games the kingdom had set up for my royal family and I, I decided Vylad and Garroth had to compete in swimming. Who is faster? Well, whoever is faster wins Aphmau's heart.

I can see Laurance in the back of the crowd of mer-people, smiling at me. I waved back and then focused back on the race.

"Go!" My dad yelled waving a red and white flag, Pheonix Drop's colors. Making the two brothers start their race.

Garroth instantly was ahead of Vylad, until Vylad made a comeback and tied the race, leaving Garroth mad.

Eventually, Garroth was far ahead of Vylad and passed the race with flying colors.

I clapped loudly, yay, whoohoo! Wait, I HAVE TO MARRY HIM!!!


What happens next? Decide their wedding...


Hey everyone! Thanks for reading this chapter! I can't tell if it was good or bad, so please please please please please please PLEASE don't be a silent reader and comment what you think or post a comment on my message board, that would be appreciated, and it would make me very happy!!!

Bye guys,


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