Chaper Fourteen: Like movies and stuff:

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Okay so first off all the structure of this book had like completely gone to shit. Its basically me just ranting a lot about being British, which is what the book's about but yeah, y'know it's all weird and stuff.

Anyway another update. Finally, (finally guys) like yeah unusual I know!!!
Sorry bout that. Anyways yes this Chapter is about British people in films and stuff, like typically English people, STERO-typical English people.

You see in a movie when there's like an English person or something they're either;
• The villain
• The ex-Girlfriends/Boyfriends new partner
• The idiot
• The stuck up twat or posh prick
• The hot one 😝😏

Like yeah, seriously guys like u know Everybody is stereotypical and stuff but yeah there's a line. Like it's super annoying for me like when I see one of these scenarios and I'm like constantly shouting at the TV/cinema screen/computer/phone/anything else you can watch films on basically and yeah it really pisses me off!

Also the Scots are like portrayed as like ginger and either angry/sassy like, Willie from The Simpsons and Amy Pond in Doctor Who, so yes Speaking as a person with a Scottish friend and a friend with ginger hair like I know their struggles and stuff.

Like, I can think of one positive, the British actor is like usually very hot and stuff—oh hold up I've just remembered something, when the person who is playing the English actor is like not from England they put on like the WORST fake accent like I've ever heard, usually they just attempt the posh London one, and I'm like 'hey what about us northerners'.

This is actually going off topic and I've probably already mentioned it, but like yeah some people just think that the whole of England or even Britain is London and yeah that's annoying!

So back to movies.

Erm yeah....oh I don't like films that America steal, like the new Harry Potter one and also how they changed it to the 'Sorcerers Stone' okay I'm sorry it's not your fault America love yas.

So yeah back to the positives, they are really really hot, well not all of then but like quite a bit and like it's not just crap.....going off topic again. (By the way guys I'm so sorry for this.)

And like this is super short and stuff but I think I'm done sorry folks but if you've got like any ideas or something yeah, just message me cause like I don't have any ideas and I don't wanna let you down and like literally I've just realised this whole book has like just turned into me like having a gossip so yeah if you wanna book about gossip and such then yeah I'll do that....if you want it. Cause unfortunately this book is coming to an end. 😭😭😭 sad times, sad times.

Sorry this was super shit!!!! Arghhh and yeah, there's been like so much emotion swimming round this country good and bad, and like especially West Yorkshire, where I'm from and yeah also I'm ill so byeeeee!!!

See ya, whenever! (Young Prince William)

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