Chapter Nine: Pronunciation

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Kay , so yeah I find it super annoying that like other English speaking countries oh I don't know like America (Oops remember not trying to be offensive), like change the words and then right yeah they're like:

"Oh it's color Popsicle and baysil", and that's all I can remember for now. But it's not folks oh no it's not!
They're speaking English t'might be stupid, broken, twisted English but nether the less it's still English. That's right English, like English as in England...the country. The country YOUR trying to correct with their own language!!!

So yeah. To all you guys out there speaking your wrong English, don't try to correct us you fools because it makes me want to punch you all in the face with a chair and then maybe possibly kill you.

But oh my god in Britain we have the Scone//Scon debacle, personally I'm a s-k-o-n-e lady mi self but mi mate is a bloody s-k-o-n, no that's not how you say it it's scone like cone with an s in front of it because that's what it literally is, guys this debate has gone on for centuries I kid you not Centuries......   will we ever find out how to truly pronounce it? Yes because it's Scone!!



Heyy dudes and dudettes,
Sorry it's late and well crap but I forgot to update yesterday and I'm really tired so yeah. Maybe I'll update in the week but no promises, you may have noticed but the header picture is usually a YouTuber and this time it's Crawford, Yaaay!👌✌️and finally I am probably gonna finish this with fifteen chapters, so if you have any recommendations on like what you want me to write and about who, well I just might do it!
Love you twerps, me - 😝😊😘👍✌️👌🎶

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