Devon nodded as he started to pull her towards the kitchen. "First food, we'll get it to go, then alcohol."

"Josh!" She pulled back. "Did you say hello to the Smothers yet?"

He paused just long enough for her to know that the answer to that question was no.

"You have to go say hello and then meet Hal's parents. They're famous, it'll be a story for you to tell later on when you're old and grey," Devon informed him.

He stopped and turned to look down at her with a crooked smile. "Trust me Firefly, meeting two famous people that I've never heard of will not make the top of my most interesting stories list."

Devon's stomach did a little dip at his special nickname for her. His use of it was like a suction cup that pulled a whole lot of old memories to the surface. Firefly was the nickname he had called her in their few private moments growing up; the many times he had consoled her after the loss of a boyfriend, or when she had been fighting with her mother, even the time she had fallen out of the tree and sprained her wrist. That had been the first time he had called her Firefly. She had been 13 and he had been 15, she had fallen in love at that moment.

But one memory, in particular, the second and last time he had kissed her, was the one that floated to the top of the pile. Perhaps it was because it was also the last time she had seen him. She licked her lips subconsciously at the memory, and everything stood still as they looked at each other. Josh's look was vague and she couldn't tell if he had used the nickname on purpose or not. Did he also remember the same memory?

"Lead the way," he said after a moment, having given in to her instructions.

Devon turned away from him sharply and led the way across the room on shaky legs. Maybe she had imagined a hidden meaning in his use of the nickname. Somewhere a jazz band started to play, and she felt Josh's gaze on her back. What on earth was going through his mind? Was it also flashing back to the past and a moment that had turned her whole world upside down?

They reached the three couples and Josh put his hand on Devon's waist from behind, keeping her squarely in front of him. He was using her as a shield, and when she saw the way Annabelle Paxton was sizing him up, as if he was a yummy treat she intended to have, she couldn't blame him. The woman was not attempting to be subtle in her admiration.

Just then Bree came bouncing over and grabbed Josh's arm, "Please dance with me, Josh. it'll give us a chance to get caught up after all these years." She gave him her sweetest smile and Josh smiled in return, but she noticed that it didn't reach his eyes as he allowed Bree to lead him away.

Devon turned in time to see the Smothers exchange a scheming glance. The Smothers was something that she and Josh had taken to calling Pamela and Jenny when they were in high school. Since the two women were always together it became easier to say the Smothers rather than my mom and your mom.

Jenny caught Devon looking at her and smiled even more widely.

"Jenny, Josh is your son?" Annabelle asked as she watched Bree lead him onto the dance floor in a slow dance. Her cougar like gaze devoured him, and it suddenly reminded Devon of the rumor that had made the rounds in their high school. Josh had been a senior and Devon had been a sophomore. Josh, it was said, was having a mad affair with the principle's wife who was younger than the principle but older than Josh. At that moment Annabelle was proving to Devon that the story, which she had always thought of as nonsense, could possibly be true.

Tired of watching Annabelle's hungry gaze and the Smothers' indulgent glances aimed at Josh and Bree, especially since she knew what their thoughts were, she turned and made her way towards the living room and the comfortable couches there. Having no clue whether she would see Josh again or not, she would wait out her hour and then leave.

She sat down with a sigh, disappointed about not being able to lean her head back due to her hairstyle. She brushed the deep plum A-line skirt over her knees and tucked her long legs under her not caring that her high heels might be getting the sofa dirty as she wondered if Josh was aware of the Smothers' hopes. Ever since they were all children it was their hope that Bree and Josh would one day marry.

It was only a matter of minutes before Hal found her as she stared at the shapes in the carpet while trying to push away thoughts of what it would be like if Bree and Josh were to marry and have lots of little Joshes. He sat down next to her heavily, looking weary.

They sat silently for a moment as he rubbed his face. "Devon..." he began, but no other words came. She knew he was trying to find a way to apologize for choosing her sister over her, and Devon was spurned enough to let him struggle to find the words. He must not have been able to find them because the coward totally changed the subject.

"Who is this Josh guy?" he finally asked.

"He's the McIntire's son." Devon lowered her legs to the ground as she prepared to leave, not interested in a heart to heart with him.

"I know that," Hal said shortly, "what's between him and Bree?"

"I have no clue. I've never thought to ask."

"Devon, have they dated? Have they had an affair?" He looked desperate as the questions came out one right after the other. All Devon could think was that he was a piece of work. He had thrown her over for her sister and now he wanted her to reassure him that Bree was not interested in another man.

"I'm obviously not the person to ask. I have a hard time gauging people and their personal feelings towards others, and you more than anyone should know that..." She left the rest of that sentence unsaid, knowing he would figure out what she was referring to.

At least he had the decency to blush at her words or lack of them.

"Devon...I'm sorry, but your sister...she's just different. She's the one," he was almost pleading.

"Then why are you worried, Hal? If she's the one then Josh hardly matters." Devon shrugged.

He looked grim as he shook his head. "He matters."

"I can't help you Hal-" she held up her hand when he looked as if he was going to interrupt her. "I haven't seen Josh in ten years. I have no clue about him or his life." As she said the words it made her sad. At one time they had been close, but after that night, ten years ago, he had dropped off the face of the earth, at least for her anyway. Was he still embarrassed by it? As soon as she had the thought she dismissed it. Josh would not be embarrassed by anything, it wasn't in his personality.

Suddenly, Bree entered the room looking from one to the other suspiciously and Devon wanted to scream at the look on her face. How was it all right for her to mess with her boyfriend's, steal them, flirt with another man at her engagement party, but it wasn't all right for Devon to simply talk to her future brother-in-law? Between her and Hal she was done for the night.

She glanced over Bree's shoulder and saw Josh's amused glance. There was also a bit of a dare there as if he knew what she was thinking and dared her to do just that. Looking at him she raised her chin a little. She would not get frustrated, she would not care, and she was fine. This had been her mantra for the last twenty-something years.

"How about a dance Devon? I can't dance with only one sister. How would that look?" He held out his hand waiting for Devon to take it, not doubting for a second that she would. Devon looked at his outstretched hand as she moved towards him. Somehow the simple act of taking it meant more than it should have and was strangely intimate. His warm hand grasped hers, and she could feel the calluses on them as he spun her around making her laugh.

"Don't wait up," he said to Hal and Bree with a grin as he escorted her out of the room and onto the dance floor.

For Auld Lang Syne (Navy Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now