Chapter one: Escape

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The drive to Mark's house was very long. When we got there, my mouth could not shut.
If this guy is really my father, why would he leave Madre and I to suffer with Uncle Jerry? I thought

He just stood there beside me looking wistful. After a few minutes, he took me to the back porch and said, " You are going to meet my new family. I will send a schedule to you and when dinner is over, I will tell you the whole truth. I simply nodded and went into the mansion.

A woman who I suspected to be his maid came to me and took my bags. A man who I assumed was the butler directed me to my room.

Surprisingly, I was given an entirely different part of the mansion.
" Hello, my name is Milda and you are?"
I looked at her cynically. She sounded warm and sweet like Madre. I decided to trust her.
"My name is Jade but Madre called me Mia."
"Well then Mia, I am the maid so if you need anything, you can ask me."
I simply mumbled an 'OK'.
She signaled the butler to leave and when he left, she crouched and whispered,
" listen Mia, meet me at the cellar in fifteen minutes. It is really important. And lock your door immediately you enter your room. Always. You got that?"

The way she said it gave me the creeps but I knew I could trust her so I nodded. She opened the door gently and peeped. When the coast was clear she winked at me and sauntered away.

Fifteen minutes later, I peeped out of my room and took the stairs. On my way I saw a room with a black door. I heard screams come out of the room. After which I heard what sounded like 'psst'. I turned towards the sound and saw Milda. I quickly ran in her direction. When I caught up with her, she pilled a mask off.
"Listen, I am not really the maid. She is a nasty old woman. I am just sixteen."
"Same here."
" The man is really your dad but you can't trust him or anyone in this house. I have been here since I was fourteen. The other girls have been taken away."
"Wait, which other girls?"
"Question much?"
"Talk much?"

"Anyways in this house, once you turn sixteen, if you are really healthy, you are killed and trafficked for your organs. If not, you are used to traffic drugs. I am still two months away from being sixteen so I am safe. I took your bags to my car where mine are. The butler is also coming. He is also a fake. I have packed food. Are you ready to leave?"
"Milda!" A shrill old voice called. We both froze and she looked at me and mouthed,
  Run with me.
And we took off. Five minutes later we jumped into the back seat of a black Maserati and sped off. At the gate, we met a biometric-security operated gate. Milda tapped her chin and suddenly yanked my hand and pressed it against the device.
"Ow! What was that for?" I shout whispered as I cradled my hurting arm. To my surprise the gate opened. For the second time today,my mouth hung open.
"He left his sweat on your palm silly."
"How did you know?"
"I didn't. I just guessed."

I simply sighed and looked out the window. I had experienced too much for one day and my stomach growled from being empty. I wanted to sleep.
"You hungry?" Milda asked.
"Uhuh." I nodded vigorously. Luckily we spotted an In-N-Out.
"Pull up,stupid." Milda commanded.
"That's not his name is it?"I asked innocently.
She said "it is" at the same time he said"it isn't."
'Kids' I muttered under my breath. The butler pulled up and ordered three Big Macs
and three big sized cups of Coca-Cola. He passed his Bank of America debit card for payment. We drove around and grabbed the food.

took a bite of my cheese burger and sighed in happiness.
"I didn't know you were this famished", Milda said in between bites of her burger. After that we ate in silence and fell asleep.


I woke up to water being splashed on my face. My vision was blurry but I could make out Milda holding a bowl of ice-cold water.
"Whiskey,Tango, Foxtrot, Milda are you nuts?" I fumed.
"No I'm not. And for the record, you sleep like a log."
" how long have I been out?"
"Where am I ?"
"Is this gonna be another question and answer session? Please, I would appreciate it if YOU SHUT UP AND LET ME SPEAK. Capisce?"
"I already hate you."
"Gee, surprising."
"Explain already,would you?"
"Touchy much? Well we are in Anaheim, Los Angeles. We are in stupid's house. His dad is a big shot but he made it on his own through property. Clean money,if you are afraid of the cops finding you. So we are going to start life afresh. We should be sophomores by now. Wait you were homeschooled right?"
I was about to reply when I got knocked in the head with the butt of the gun. The last thing I saw was Milda whipping out a gun and the world went black.


"Mia, Mia, please wake up. Please. I know I do not know you that well but please I need a friend right now. Please don't leave me. Mia? Milda said trying to fight the river of tears.

Seeing her cry shook me.I definitely don't want to ever see her cry again.
"You know you are quite emotional for an uptight person. Let me guess,  it's a façade right?" I said with sarcasm dripping from my voice.
"If I wasn't so happy right now, I wouldn't speak to you for the rest of the day.
"I love you too."
"Idiot. Let me prepare dinner. You practically gobbled your Big Mac during the car ride from San Diego. How does Chinese sound?

I drifted back to sleep while waiting for her to order the food.
"Food is ready." Milda said while dancing to Drake's hotline bling.
"Mmm this is so good. Milda, when will you tell me why I have a big bump on my forehead?" I inquired
"Mia, eat up and go back to bed. Today has been quite eventful. I will tell you everything tomorrow after our first day in Dela Moore High."
"We are going to school?" I asked, my eyes wide as saucers
Milda merely nodded. At that I lost it and screamed with ecstasy.
"While you were out, I did some shopping and downloaded some make up tutorials so tomorrow we rise at six thirty because classes begin at eight. Good night Mia."
"Good night Milda."

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