I can almost feel the fear radiating from Mariena. I struggle to find my voice, to say something to keep another of my friends from being slaughtered, but it's become so deeply buried by fear and weakness that it seems nonexistent.

As the sword is raised, I finally locate it.

"Stop!" I gasp, my voice cracking from the tightness in my throat. I stand and pull my hand from Alec's grasp, not acknowledging his protests. "Stop, please. You know that I'm here. You don't have to hurt anyone!" My voice becomes nothing but a cracked whisper, and I rush the next few words out before I can think better of it. "Don't you hurt her. Don't you dare."

Anabella laughs. For a long time she laughs, as if I've just told the joke of the century.

"I don't dare, hm?" she mocks, a sinister sneer on her lips. But she waves to the soldiers like one waves away something unimportant, such as a second cup of tea. The soldiers release her and return the sword to its sheathe. Mariena stands shakily, her face stained with tears, and I shove through the crowd to envelop her in a tight hug.

"Go to Alec," I whisper as I hold her to me. She's shaking like a feather so I hold her tighter. My heart breaks at the same time as it swells with love for her at the courage she showed for me. "Stay with him." I release her and push her gently in the direction I know Alec to be, even though I know I will have to face my worst fear now.

Alec waits at the edge of the crowd and takes her in his arms, although his eyes are on me.

I turn to Anabella.

The woman I've heard so many horrible things about, who has done unspeakable evil to many lives, and who has murdered and taken people that I love, stands just several feet from me. And she is smiling like this is the greatest day of her life.

"Edlyn, my dear, we meet at last! How are you? I hope that you are well. Truly." Cold, cruel blue eyes watch me closely, hoping to upset me.

I can't allow that.

These people are relying on me to be the strong one now.

So I keep quiet and force any trace of fear out of my expression as I stare the devil in the face.

This woman cannot be my mother.

"I see you've made a few friends since I last saw you. Of course, you were just a babe then," she says casually and strolls past me toward where Alec is standing with the girls. His stance is hostile and one hand rests on the handle of his sword while the other is outstretched in front of my friends alongside him. He watches Anabella approach with no attempt at hiding his hatred for her. I clench my fists tightly at my sides, silently praying that he won't allow his fury to get the best of him. She motions to Alec and his eyes darken. "What is this one's name?" Her voice is a tad too innocent. She knows exactly who he is.

I swallow. "His name is Alexander."

"Alexander," she repeats, and then smiles again. She plays with his name in her tongue like a piece of candy. "Alexander. Alexander...Rayne?"

The muscles in his neck and his jaw clench.

"Yes," I answer quickly before he loses his temper. Anabella is bloodthirsty; she will deliberately work someone into a blind rage and kill them.

She is no different than the petty girls were back in Achalia. If I can handle them, I can handle her.

"I remember you," she says quietly. She stretches a hand toward his face, but a look of utter disgust comes over his face and he takes a step back. His grip tightens on his sword.

Legend of the White Witch {#Wattys2016}Where stories live. Discover now