Chapter 11

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Everyone went back to school the next day. Everything seemed "normal". Everyone went back to class. Jude went down to art class, Jesus and Mariana went to Biology, Brandon went to practice piano and Callie was stuck alone.
Callie decided she needed to properly thank Brandon.
She then went upstairs and entered the music room
"Oh, hey. How are you feeling"
"I'm fine, thanks for asking." Callie said with a smile
"So, what's up?"
"Um... Brandon, I wanted to thank you for trying to save me the night" Callie said
"No need to thank me, Callie. I would risk my life saving yours."
"Thank you Brandon, I would do it for you too"
"Haha, thanks" Brandon said while smiling
Callie paused for a moment and then said
"Can I give you a hug Brandon? I really need one" Callie said while trying not to cry
Callie then hugged Brandon. You can hear Callie sobbing a little.
"Callie, it's okay" Brandon said while hugging her tightly
"I know, I know it's not a big deal sorry"
"Callie you don't have to apologize"
Callie then gave Brandon a gentle kiss on the lips. Brandon kept kissing her until he decided to pull away.
"Callie... We can't"
"Why not Brandon, you love me and I love you!"
"But we already adopted you"
"Adoptions can be reversed and you can move out"
"Yeah where Callie? To Cort's house"
Callie paused for a moment
"Callie, I'm sorry we can't do this anymore. I have to think this through"
Brandon then left the room and Callie felt sad and embarrassed
Then , A familiar voice popped out of nowhere and said
"Missed me?"

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