Seeking The Truth- Prologue

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The car drove away, leaving the poor 3 year old girl on the cold orphanage steps. Shivering in her thin clothes, she sat with her knees tucked up by her chin to keep warm. She didn't want the mean people to come back but the lady was nice; she fed her and cared for her. But the girl didn't even know her own name let alone where she used to live. It was a dark and gloomy place with horrible monstrous people who got angered fast especially the leader. Suddenly the oak door opened and a plump middle aged woman appeared. The little girl tried to make herself look smaller so the lady didn't notice her. Maybe her dirty face and scruffy clothes will help aswell. The girl didn't like strangers and normally strangers didn't like her! But it was no use the lady spotted her. The woman shouted something behind her and the lady came closer. She then couched down to the girls height. By this time you could smell her minty breath and strawberry shampoo!

"Come on, lets get you inside " the lady said kindly but the little girl wasn't allowed to talk it was forbidden, if she did he would hurt her and she didn't want him to hurt her again. The lady grabbed the girls hand gently

"Do you know where Mummy and Daddy are?" She asked with a frown. The girl knew the people she live with were not her parents, Mummy and Daddy went away a long time ago in a bad thing a fire or a fight or a crash she thought the people said. The mean people told her the truth; the defying dreadful truth. She was bad and everyone disliked her, she made them unhappy. The little girl buried her head to her knees to scared to talk.

"Poor thing, come on" she said as he helped the little girl up.

"I'm sure there's people worried and looking for you" The lady said with encouragement but the little girl knew she was wrong no one wanted her.

Now there were lots of people around her, tall like trees asking for her name...

But she had forgotten long ago.


This is a new story of mine I hope you like it, it is a wolf story and please vote and comment so i know if i should continue with it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2014 ⏰

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