Chapter ten (part 1)

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Authors note.

Ok so last chapter was depressing… hopefully this chapter makes up for it!!

 Dark tendrils drift through the air, caressing my naked skin. Everywhere the tendrils touch, ice cold pain penetrates my flesh and leaves hundreds of bleeding pinprick wounds. Then I hear it…

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Three words. Over and over, nothing but hollow echoes of a suffering mind…

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Every time the words were whispered, aching shivers crawled over my bleeding skin.

I tried to move, to fight away the dark tendrils and icy shivers but I had almost no fight in my battered body. An invisible weight pressed against my chest, my breath caught in my throat and pain forced its way throughout my body with every decrepit beat of my broken heart.

The invisible force started to form into something… a person… a man… Eric!

I tried again to move, to scream as the murky eyes of a dead soul looked at me through Eric’s eyes. I couldn’t even close my own eyes!

BLAKE! BLAKE! BLAKE! I screamed his name in my head, over and over… not for help or relief from the monster crushing me. I screamed his name in my head because I hoped he’d hear me and say something, anything. I needed to hear his voice at least once more.

The dark tendrils quivered as they lapped at my bleeding skin. The ice cold shivers crawled towards my battle wary heart. The monster that took the form of Eric ran his arms down my paralysed body and—

Crying I sat up in the bed. My body ached, my chest burned and my head throbbed. Slowly my racing thoughts slowed with my frantic heart. I could hear a phone wringing. My phone. Looking around I can see a hotel room.

I couldn’t remember much after going to Eric’s with his brother Alex.

I must have had a really bad nightmare… yeah, just my over active imagi—

As I looked around the room I saw my torn lace panties and everything flooded back. Eric and Alex’s conversation, Alex leaving, Eric not letting me call a cab, Eric taking me to the hotel, awkward silence, us saying we need to talk, me starting to talk and Eric…

I couldn’t finish the thought. Tears streamed down my face and my body ached. My head throbbed with a killer headache and my hearts shuddered with agony.


I jumped out of bed and ran to my suitcases. I found a baggy tracksuit that I wear when I’m sick. I ran to the bathroom and had a scolding hot shower. Trying to rub and clean away his touch. I dressed quickly and left my hair a wet mess. I don’t care what I look like right now.

I went to find my handbag. It was on the floor in the bedroom doorway. I picked it up and threw everything around until I found my now silent phone. Tears streamed down my race face, my chest felt bruised and broken and my mind was in turmoil as silent sobs racked my body.

I pulled my phone from my bag to see missed calls from Eric. I deleted the voice messages and typed in the number I now knew off by heart.

Ring… Ring… Ring…Ring—

“This better be important! Its bloody 5:30am.” Blake sounded tired, his voice husky with sleep. I sobbed harder.

“Hello? Who is this? Are you ok?” Blake’s voice filled with worry and he seemed to wake up more. I couldn’t get the words out.

I Have The Right To Be LovedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant