Chapter three

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Author’s note.

Ok I know I said I was waiting for ten votes on the last chapter before I posted this one but I finished it and I want it up so I can get lost in the next chapter… but I really wont post the next chapter until I get 12 votes!! Enjoy this extra long chapter!

I arrived at the bar at 6:30pm. The queue was massive! I should have decided to go earlier… now I have to get all those dirty looks as the bouncer lets me in with no wait time. Oh, well I couldn’t care less tonight.

I walked straight up the queue, receiving some dirty and disbelieving looks from the girls, I just smiled widely and flicked my hair. I also received some flirtatious and admiring looks from the men. I hate it. None of them are him. None of them are Eric.

My phone rang and I looked at the caller ID. Of course T.J would be worried, so I answered.

“Hey sleeping beauty, what can I do for you this ever lovely evening?” I asked as I winked at the grinning bouncers. T.J sighed.

“Hey Katharine. I was just making sure you were ok. Where are you?” asked an obviously still tired T.J.

“I’m going to have some fun so don’t wait up. Oh, I cooked chicken cheese crisps for you and Dex so just put them in the oven for 15 minutes when you’re hungry. They are on the tray in the fridge. Also there is a salad in the glass serving bowl on the second self of the fridge.” I flashed a smile at a very annoyed woman who was trying to get the attention of the bouncers. Too bad they had their eyes on me.

“Ok Katharine. Thanks for the clean up and dinner. Dex and I only just woke up and we feel really bad that you had to clean up our mess.” T.J said as he yawned.

“No worries sweet cheeks. You had to look after me last night didn’t you? Eat and go back to bed. I’m fine. Bye now!”   I kissed the phone just as T.J said bye and we both hung up. Now I turn my undivided attention to the bouncers.

“Heya handsomes! It’s been a while! How are you Dylan? And what about you Chad?” I grinned widely at the two bouncers who grinned back.

“I’m good, beautiful. Heard you up and ran to Spain. None of us have seen you in six months so it must be true!” said Dylan, his English accent just barely noticeable. 

Dylan was indeed handsome. He was also 6”5, a body builder and a boxer. Being a big ass bouncer paid his way. My eyes wondered over to Chad.

Chad wasn’t just handsome he was model worthy, until you saw the horrid scar across the left side of his face. He was 6”4, muscled and scary. The scar made him look like he was in a badass gang. Really he was a true softy. People think he got the scar in jail but I know better. He actually got the scar when he saved a baby from being hit by a car.

Chad was gardening in his mothers’ front yard two years ago, when the lady across the road had left the front door of her house open and her toddler stumbled out.

The little girl chased a butterfly across her yard and as she neared the road Chad raced over to her. He pushed her onto the lawn just before the speeding car hit her, but his jacket got caught on the car and he was dragged along. It almost tore the left side of his face off on the gravel. He also broke both arms and his left leg.

I knew because I saw him when he got better. He told me everything. I asked him if he ever wished he didn’t save her but his answer was, “Never. I would rather not be able to walk, see, hear, taste, smell or feel if it means stopping a child’s suffering.” I felt bad for him but now he’s with a gorgeous woman and they have a baby on the way. And I know she loves him for him because his outer beauty is gone but his inner never wavers.

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