I see Trish and she looks wayy better than I am. "Hey Ally, you look...great!" She gives that fake smile, I rolled my eyes, I know she doesn't like the way I look. We start walking to school. "Thanks Trish" "I'm sorry Ally, but your style of clothing is way much better than this, remember in first grade when you tried to try on my mother's clothes and the way we played dressed up, you always had the right taste of clothing...what happened?" "Well I got into another fight with Dallas" Now she wasn't kidding around, she gave me that concerned look. "Oh my god, are you okay??!! Do I need to call the police??!!" "No..no, I'm fine. I'm just glad I can start a new life all over again" "Just know that I am going to be here for you always" I smiled because I know that I can trust her. 

We enter the school building, so many students, so many classes, so many anything, It's been a really long time since I been here. "So welcome back to Marino high Ally" "Thanks, It's actually good to be back" I start looking around until I ran into this blonde kid. "Oh, sorry" "It's okay, my bad" I chuckled. He smiled. Trish sees me. She knows something. "What?" "Ally, I saw the way you were looking at that guy" "What? No. By the way, who is that guy?" "That's Austin Moon. He's one of the cool guys" "Oh" I felt like my heart is rebuilding, maybe real love is still alive. "So what's your first class?" I look at my schedule. "History, what about you?" "Language Arts" "Well I will see you at lunch" "Okay" 

Ringg. The bell rings for the first class, everybody scrambling to get to their class. "Excuse me" "Sorry" "Excuse me" I tried so hard to get through the crazy, wild teens. I stopped in my tracks, is that..Dallas?? My heart racing, nerves rising. "Miss? Miss?" I closed my eyes and it was just a locker. "W-What?" "This is your first class. Please come in" "Uh..Oh, thank you" I walk in the classroom and picked a random seat. All the other students pick random seats too. "Good morning class, today we are going to learn about the Cold war, please get a pencil and a piece of paper" Crap. I don't have any school supplies with me. "Miss Dawson, do you have a piece of paper out?" "Sir, actually I don't have anything with me, I'm sorry. May I have a piece of paper and a pencil" "Sure" He gives me a piece of paper and a pencil, I felt so embarrassed right now. "Please write these notes on the board" I begin writing the notes until I start remembering memories again. I want these memories to go away, to be gone forever. To disappear out of existence. "Miss Dawson?" I closed my eyes to erase them away. "Yes sir?" "Please pay attention" "Yes sir" I tried so hard TO focus but I can't, the memories of Dallas hitting me is haunting me, teasing me in my head and I can't get them out. 

I start walking in the cafeteria to meet up with Trish until I see that blonde kid again, he was hanging out with this other kid who has redish- orange hair with some weird stuff. "Hey Ally" "H-Hey" She was concerned. "You okay?" "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just..go get some food" Trish and I left the two boys and go to get some food. We stand in line and I'm just looking around to just capture the surroundings. I start walking up to the lunch lady. "Can I help you?" "Yes, can I have a piece of pizza" She hands me the plate of pizza, I grab a bottle of water from the drinking vending machine. I enter my school number into the pad. "Thank you" I nodded and walk to find a table. I search and search. Empty table. Perfect. Trish sits next to me. "So what did you get?" "I got a BLT sandwich with a bottle of pepsi, what about you?" "Pizza and water" "Typical Ally" I look back at the blonde kid and his friend. They were talking. "Ally?" I look back at Trish. "What?" "Why were you looking at Austin?" "I don't know, just to see if he's okay. I guess" "Typical Ally, caring about others" "Whatever" as I bite into my pizza. "So how do you like coming back?" "It's great" I wasn't really paying attention to Trish. I looked back at Austin. I see him hanging out with his friend and a...girl. I wondered who is that girl? "Hey Trish, who's that girl with Austin?" "Huh?" "Who's that?" I pointed to the girl who has black hair. "Oh, that's Kira. That's Austin's girlfriend" Girlfriend. That word made my heart sink like the titanic ship, and and to think I started having feelings for him. Well too late now, either way there was no way I was going to date him anyways. "Ally..you okay?" I gave her that fake smile, trying to act all happy and strong but really I am this shy, weak girl who can't even fight. "I will see you later Trish" "Ally..." "I'll be fine, I promise" I get up and threw away my trash. I go back to class until I feel like someone is looking at me. I look up and it was Austin. I put my hoodie up and gave him a fake smile and leaves. As much I want to cry right now, I can't. There's no reason too. Just another disappointment in my life. 

Ringg. School is finally over. I can't wait to go home and just stare at the ceiling. I start walking myself feeling okay I guess. I wait for the school bus, it was really hot outside but I don't care, I feel like I am in this hole and I can't get out of this hole. My heart feels like it just got shot and there's nothing there. The bus pulls up, I look for a empty seat. I plug in my headphones and listen to music while looking at the window. Seeing different captures of nature everywhere, I should be happy, I got away from Dallas but honestly I don't feel happy at all, I feel like nothing. I feel like there is no more happiness in this world. I close my eyes. The memories of Dallas and I start flowing in my head. Then the bad ones comes. I can feel my heart racing, beating really fast, I felt myself scared, nervous. Having deep breaths. I wake up instantly, all I see is different students doing different things. I lay back down still having deep breaths. The memories just keep haunting me, I WANT THEM TO GO! 

The bus reaches my stop, I start walking towards my house. "Hey Ally, how was your first day?" "Fine. I am going to go to my room, I will talk to you later okay?" "Okay sweetie, are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine" I'm not for one bit. I go to my room and flop on it. I threw my phone somewhere, I really don't want to talk to anyone right now. I get up and go to the bathroom. I take everything off and take a shower. I go under the water, thinking about everything that happened today. The one chance I thought I was going to experience real love for the first time, the one chance my heart was going to rebuild again, I was going to be happy again but no, hope disappoints again. I get out of the shower and change into some pjs. I brush my teeth. I exit out of the bathroom, turned everything off. I didn't feel like being awake, I just want to close my eyes and sleep. 

"Ally, stop being a stupid girl! You belong with me and you will NEVER leave me AGAIN!" As I felt him on top of me, screaming at me. Punching me, kicking me, slapping me. "Dallas please.." I wanted him to stop so badly. I felt myself bleeding through my nose and my head. "SHUT UP!" Another punch to the side, I screamed in pain. All I felt was pain through my entire body. "You are going to listen to me, for once in your stupid life" He pulls out a knife and start cutting my leg. I shrieked in pain and screamed to the top of my lungs. "AAH AAH AAAH!" 

I wake having deep breaths, feeling like I wasn't alive, sweating like crazy. My heart beating so hard to the point where I can hear it. Even my head start hurting like I felt like I ran into a brick wall.  I lay back down trying to control my heart rate. I slowly start taking slow breaths. I close my eyes, gripping to my bed cover. I couldn't sleep, I need something to make me feel safe. I look over and I see my stuffed unicorn, I remember this, my mother gave me this when I was 1, I used to call her Princess Cotton Candy. I get up and grab it from my bean bag chair. I get back in my bed and start falling back to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow will be much better than today. 


a/n; what do you guys think about the first chapter? Tell me in the comments section below. More chapters coming up asap. Do you think Ally will get rid of Dallas's memories? Do you think Auslly will happen? Tell me what you think. THANKS GUYS! LOVE YOU! <3

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