Pumpkin Patch, Delizia

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The hustle and bustle of Pumpkin Patch had never been any weaker or waning, yet all sorts of beautifully crafted pumpkin either by hand or by witchcraft filled up along the leaves-covered street as it's the Autumn of 1516.

Children out of various ages played outside with their coats, snowcaps and shawls wrapped all around their neck.

"How I wish the Halloween this year is going to be way better than the previous one", murmured Jockie Johnson, a homeless boy yet well equipped with etiquettes you may find at royal ball dance or tea time.

Despite the fact he has nothing but lovely and caring friends and acquaintances (yeah, they exist), he's still able to survive his own life without depending on others too much. He dislikes the fact that he might be burdening others for his own good.

" I wonder how does the other side of the world looks like", said the little boy with a dark hair and smelled like a Brazilian nut while looking at his lovely crafted birthmark.

"What an open-minded pre-adolescent boy", would be one of the ubiquitous perception. But it's not what he wished for to be in such condition.


"I believe in myself that I solemnly swear that I see her, the queen", said Mr. L. Agnesium. He's the man who totally confessed (to his one and only wife) about him seeing a complete figure of Queen Marie Moriana (her short name is just adequate to refers to that long and complicated name) just several footsteps from the Wonka Supermarket. Even though his wife didn't believe him, yet some persuades with a whole jug of strawberry tea and few pieces of shortcakes really turned her on and started to make her putting some trust on him. Now that sounds lovely and tasty on an Autumn evening (is it?)

"I think that can be true, anyway I'm going to trust you and don't ever miuse my trust", babbled Ms. Agnesium.

"Sure my lovely hunny bunny"

That evening passed calmly with the cold breeze of Autumn and much magnificent scenery of yellowish and light brown toned leaves.

" It's nighttime and we shall get some rest before we turn into some kind of mind-freaking zombie and getting attacked by that queen", teased Ms. Agnesium while getting in her sleeping gown.


"Bedtime jokes, goodnight", said Mr. Agnesium softly and with some pixie dust, both of them went to sleep.

As the grandfather clock ticking precisely sharp at 12 midnight, some knocking heard at the Oak and Birch hybrid of wooden crafted door. Surely there hadn't been any doorbells at this time, had they?

At the right meantime, Mr. Agnesium woke up from his adorable dream of dessert eating contest with a grand prize of a gold card to purchase unlimited numbers of sweetmeats at Supermarket nearby.

With some heavy sigh, Mr. Agnesium walked out of his bed and wandering out of his chamber and drove himself to the restroom just a stone's throw away. With a simple splash of cleaning his genitals after peeing, he heard that knocking again at his so-called a century old door. Following his whim, he decided to go towards the door with his firelight.

" Can you please open the door? I need some lovely shelter and food with drinks to keep me at my best", said the woman with a placating tone. Without waiting any longer, sort of been conjured some spells, Mr. Agnesium opened the door with a welcoming tone.

Miraculously and astoundingly, the woman greeted herself as the younger version of Queen Marie Moriana.

**I would love if you comment anything so that I can improvise. Much love from me**

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