Chapter 14: Memories True end route -End-

Beginne am Anfang

I processing the whole thing. After 5 seconds, I finally realize what was going on. "

TIANA!" I yelled.

Everyone. Everyone, including the mobs turned and looked at, me.


"I got tired of her. And Tianbrine. And that fox hybrid." Herobrine chuckled.


"My sword is enchanted with special magic. That allowed me to kill both of your mothers and Tiana Kitsu." That sentence made a whole chunk of memory that I had lost come back to me.

"After all, she isn't your 99.99% blood related sister is she?"

"SHUT UP!!!" "Then make me.


~Conversation timuuuu~

Hey Skybrine.

Wow that's rare. Who thought you would ever call me first?

Can I ask you a question?

Go ahead.
know right.

Have you every felt how it was like to loose two person that was most precious to you?

Nope. Though I know you have.

Was Tiana precious to you?

I think so. I felt a stab in my heart. Not the typical stabbing... It was pain. Pain that I never felt before.

I know right. I thought that I would never felt like revenging Herobrine ever again. Who thought that I would want to end him for the second time?

So what are you planning? For revenge?

I thought when I was three was the last time you were going to side with me, guess I wass wrong.

What'cha talking about? When did I ever side with you before this? Have I hated my own father before?

Remember. Skybrine.


I believe both of us have a common goal at this point?


~Conversation time end~ Brought back to reality by Skybrine. Sponsered by Sky.

I grinned. I could feel the power flowing into me. Let us get started, Skybrine. Right. Time for some fun.

~Seto's PoV~

All the mobs ran away for some unknown reason.

This place was cleared. I looked around everyone eas confused and shocked. They all turned to Sky.

I turned to look at Sky too. The aura that is coming off from Sky is getting stronger and stronger by each second.

Yellow light started to form around him. Normally, when he gets into Skybrine mode, only people who are hybrids or have magic can see.

However, even mortals could see the light around him. It should not be possible, unless the good side and the bad side has teamed up and that in all circumstances does not happen.

It happened only once in the world. The book of legends has said that there was once were a brine's mother got killed by his Father. The brine got so mad, the evil ended up submitting to the brine
In the end, the evil was knocked out of the father. What happended after that was unknown.

I read that when that happens, the immortal and the evil side will both lose their memory, and the evil side will disappear for awhile before coming back.

And that legend right now, is repeating itself and I, Seto, is getting to see the actual action happening, but wait.

Wouldn't Sky loose his memory if he does that?

~Sky's PoV~

One. I counted as I charged at Herobrine. He was NOT expecting me to do this again. Or was he.

"You brat! I'm going to defeat you once it for all." Herobrine roared. "Skybrine... I can't believe you betrayed me once again!"

"I'm the one who is going to kill you," I said. I slash my sword down and he blocked, "and I'm going to end it in three counts."

"Dream on!" Herobrine attempted to stab me.

"One..." I kicked the sword out of his hand with full power, and apparently, that broke his hand as i heard a crack. Herobrine grabbed his hand, gritting his teeth.

"Two..." I pretended that I was going to slash his head and he ducked. I turned my sword 90 degrees and slashed down. He realized it and dodged, making the sword only slash his shoulder. It ends here. I grinned.

"Three..." I summoned lightning as he make a shield. Magic battle time! Sword materialized at my side and I controlled it with my magic and aimed it all at him. He summoned a sword eater to eat up all the sword. At that moment, I teleported to him and stabbed him in the heart. I chanted a summoning spell. Fire ants were summoned and they slowly ate up his heart.

He collapse.

"Goodbye father." I mumbled before I felt all my energy getting sucked out of me. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Herobrine dissipating.

It... it's finally over...

~True end~

Ahhhhhh! Don't kill me! Sorry for not updating for so long! Dx
BTW Thankyou for 12.8k views and 400+ votes and 60+ followers. Hahaha...
As you can see, I have named the title and ending with a True end. I am writing different endings for this book, but if I ever write a sequel, it will follow the true end, which is this ending. Bye!!!

Tiana, signing off!

Under Your Control ( A Skybrine fan-fic )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt