Nyat a chapter!

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That is ma drawing of randomness.  If you wondering why I didn't colour then here's the story: I was lying on the floor using correction pen and then I made a mess on the floor, and my mother shouted and screamed at me. And I had to clean it up. Bad day and I couldn't colour anymore cause I wanted to use markers to colour cause there were no appropriate colours and using  markers will cause a bigger mess. It was unplesant k -3- . And I know I know, my clouds sucks. I'm not a very good drawer kk. I participated in a contest by Kouhaicx. And thr judge is AMarineWrites. I know I tagged them on da last chapter, but oh well, who cares. Tiana, signing off!

Under Your Control ( A Skybrine fan-fic )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum