Chapter 9- Some times the stupidest ideas have the best results

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As we ran along the corridor, all I was think about was how stupid I was to try this but if it meant helping Cap and Clint I would do it. We had to take the stairs because the elevator wasn't working by the time we got to the floor we needed to be on I was out breath. I could barely breath because the corset was to small.

"It should be right here", said Cap, we opened a door and he was right there was Banner and Tony trying to stop the corruption of their files. I sprinter over to them.

"What wrong?" I asked frantically.

"Some sort of virus is destroying the whole system", Banner said. I looked at Tony, "Where's the main power outlet for this?" He pointed to far end of the room where there was a huge power cell connecting to the main power line to the tower. I walked over to it and ripped off the main panel. I looked at Cap, Bruce and Tony, "Tell everyone on the count of three to stop doing whatever and drop on the floor." I ordered, Cap talked into his ear peice.

"All units repeat all units on the count of three we need you to drop on the floor, repeat all units drop on three. Ready one," I found the line connecting to the outside world, "two", I began gather up all the energy I had, "Three!" I pulsed over half of a million kilowatts into the power cell. All I heard was a big whoosh and the feeling of me falling.

I was dreaming or at least I think so, it was very poorley lit I could barley see. A figure appears out of the shadows, "So you are the new mortal joining that helpless force." I looked at the man I had seen his face somewhere before but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Well mortal what do you have to say for yourself?" He questioned.

"What do I have to say for myself?" I replied back.

" I do not take a liking to the games you are playing, you should be fearing me mortal!" He started to raise his voice at me.

"Why should I fear you? I have no reason to!" I was now completely standing straight, trying my best to look taller.

"I AM LOKI OF ASGARD, YOU HAVE ALL REASON TO FEAR ME!" He yelled at me. Click that's when my brain made the connections, and I thought of the rudest thing to say.

"YOU MEAN THE SAME LOKI WHO WAS DEFEATED BY A BUNCH OF MORTALS AND HIS BROTHER? WHAT DO I HAVE TO FEAR? NOTHING I THINK!" I yelled back at him. In an instant he was right next me and whispered in my ear,"Everything my dear." The he slowly returned to the shadows from which he came.

"Oh God my head," I moaned. It hurt like a bitch, "Jesus Christ kill me now." I look over to see an HIV in my arm I pull it out, I will not have another radiation incident again. Then the second I pull it out Bruce, and Cap come running in.

"Allura don't pull that out again", Bruce said. I looked at him and started to pout before drifting once again to sleep.

Oh boy did any one get chills up their spine when Loki whispered to her because I did. :}) mustache face

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