Chapter 24- Operation: Begone Beasts

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It has been an hour since we had landed and still Cap was going over the plan over and over. Luckily Thor and Loki aren't here or might have broke down in tears. I cant believe Loki, I had saved his life twice and when I try to leave only for a couple of months he goes berserk. I wish I could have explained to him why I was leaving but he is like a game of Russian rulolett you never know which barrel holds the bullet. Man I feel like nothing will go my way this week.


"Yes,Yes I am awake!" I said very surprised.

"Stay awake we have 45 minutes until they get here."

"Oh really? I mean yes Cap. He turned back to the board, I felt like I was back at school so bored and somehow so tired. I rubbed my hands over my eyes, ugh I just wish non of this happened I could be in Idaho all alone. Man that was the life no drama with the God of lies and no aliens and no dying, ya that life was good. Now I'm stuck here in a board room with superheros, God drama, aliens, death and a company that wants my powers, where in the hell did I go wrong?

The door opened and in came Thor and Loki they both had an expressionless face,man I really messed this all up.

"Are we ready?" Said Thor.

"Just going over the last details, but we can go now."

"Good let us be off." With that everyone except me stood up and walked out. I hit my head against the table.

"God.I.Am.So.Stupid." I said, I let my head rest on the table.

"No you aren't stupid Allura." Said Bruce.

"Says who?"

"Well looking at your IQ scores, you."

"Those only measure what we have already know like math not social skills."

"Well then your not stupid you're socially stupid."

"Thanks doctor."

"You are welcome. But don't worry I am too."

"I noticed."

"Yes, getting say to say "angry" is not a good thing for me."

"Well, doctor I wish I was you not really having to socialize with others."

"Its actually quite boring and another thing is why do try not to show how smart you are? You never do any math or science which is by far your best intelligent suits?"

"I learned young that being smart sets you apart from others and make noticed and all I want to be is unnoticed."

"Well, Inky, did you even tell Loki about how smart you are?"

"No,... I didn't. "

"Maybe instead of him opening up to us you should." I laughed he had no clue how much I already had.

"I have already opened so wide to you guys."

"Yes, I know but you haven't let us see your flaws or strengths yet, have you." He had a point I hadn't and when I was going to the virus attacked the tower.

"I guess not."

"Right, now is probably a good time to especially if you are leaving."

"I know."

"Or maybe you could stay and let all us find that company." I looked over at him, he was probably the least person I would ever thought to understand me. "Now lets go before Cap has our heads."

About five minuets later I was sitting in a secret room 50 feet above the ground with a glass floor next to Thor. Below us was Loki and the rest of the team setting up conductors for our idotic plan labled operation: begone beasts. I looked over at Thor he and I were srcunched into this little box.

"Hey, Thor," I started," if I don't make it please tell Loki I'm sorry for everything." He looked at me with confusion.

"What have you done wrong lady Allura?"

"Well for me kicking his ass and um I'm pretty sure I made him cry after our fight."

"Yes, he did shed tears, but he never said you beat him at a battle."

"Ya, well I wasn't in the best of moods."

"Yes,he." I interrupted him, "Quiet! Here they come." I looked threw the floor to see 10 of the ugliest beings I have ever seen.

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