Deanee + Seth Rollins (Part 2)

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Requested by: bananabutt69
4 Years Later:

"Just one more push, baby!"


All of sudden, I started to hear crying. I looked over and noticed the little human I helped create. The doctors cleaned it up and handed it to Renee.

"Say hello to your new bouncing baby boy."

It was a boy! He was a boy! This couldn't have been better. "He's beautiful," Renee whispered as she used her finger to hold his hand. "He's so small," I said. "You wanna hold him?" Renee asked. I cupped my arms ready to take him. He was so small and fragile. His skin was soft and warm.

"He has your nose," Rene said smiling. "Yeah. I guess he does." I chuckled.

"So what are guys going to name him?"

Renee and I looked at one another. We hadn't really thought of a name, but there was one we settled on. "Jake, his name is Jake."

"Well Jake is 8 pounds even. Big boy." The doctor said. "We have to check him and get his birth certificate ready. May I?" The doctor took Jake off.

"We did it! We got married and had our first kid." Renee said hold my hand. "Yeah," I said. "And no more. This was a stressful nine months. But it was worth it." I said kissing her.

(1 Week Later):

"Do you think it's too early for people to see him?" I asked rocking Jake. "Relax, hon. He'll be okay." Renee reassured me.

I heard a knock and gave Jake to Renee and saw Seth and Sofia standing. "Hey, we came to see my nephew!" Sofia said softly. "Follow me."

"Awww," Sofia said standing in the doorway.

"It's okay. Come in," Renee whispered. "He just fell asleep."

"He's so little." Sofia said cradling him in her arms. My sister is dying for a baby and wants one so bad. "You wanna hold him," Sofia asked giving him to Seth. "Don't worry little guy, I'm right here." I said making Jake smile. He's only a newborn but he likes hearing certain things. "Dean's voice soothes Jake. He's so happy whenever he's around." Renee said taking Jake back and setting him in the cradle. "Why don't you boys go in the living room and Sofia and I will stay in here with Jake." Renee said.

Seth and I left and sat in the living room and watched tv. "So how's it going so far?" Seth asked.

"Ah man. When Renee told me she was pregnant, I didn't know what to think. Not only was she scared but so was I. Then as time progressed I was getting more and more ready for her to pop just so I could see the little guy. Jake has changed my life and I am so glad I have him. I never thought I'd ever see this day."

"I hear you man. I want kids my myself but not for a long time. I couldn't imagine what I would feel if Sofia told me she was pregnant."

I turned my head and looked at Seth. "She can't get pregnant cause you're keeping that dick in its pants, right?" I said raising my voice. "Yes sir." Seth said.

"Anyway, when are you gonna put that ring on Sofa's finger?"

"Hey man, I've been thinking about when I will too. I know when I should but then I look in my pocket and see that box and don't do it." He said.

"Well, better hurry." Dean said.




Seth's POV:

I waited for Triple H to exit before I did the one thing that I didn't even think about doing until now.

"Cut the music, hold on. There's something I need to say and I need to say while there's is someone very special to me in the ring right now. Sofia, can you come out.

(Sofia walks down to the ring, Seth and her kiss once she gets in)

"Sofia, what I'm about to do tops off any title or match I have ever had in the WWE. Tonight I change both of our lives.

(Seth gets down on one knee)

"Sofia Marie Good, will you marry me?"


I put the ring in Sofia and place my lips on hers as I felt the tears rush down her face.


Michael: Seth just proposed to him long time girlfriend Sofia. A remarkable moment tonight here at WrestleMania!

Everyone came down and celebrated with us. "Nice job Seth." Dean said shaking my head. "And if you hurt my sister, I'm taking my boot and sticking it where the sun doesn't shine, got it?"

I nodded as he gave me hug. Sofia walked up to me and kissed me one more time. I have made a WrestleMania moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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