Saige Ft. Kevin Owens

861 11 4

Requested by: -DaughterofDarkness-

"Psst Kevin, are you up?" I asked rubbing his back trying to get his attention. Sadly, he was out cold. WrestleMania is Sunday so I'm not surprised. We've been having signings all week and it's been tiring.

"Ugh I need something to do, I'm so anxious."

I needed something to take my mind off of the pressure I've been feeling all week. I face the Bellas with AJ on Sunday, my first WrestleMania.

"Nothing like a good swim can't cure."

I silently walk out of the room heading down to the pool which was always open and I had it all to myself.

The water felt so good on my skin and just being able to float was so soothing. I finally had a chance to relax and take everything in before the big night. Nothing could possibly make this night any better.

(Loud splash)

"Hey Paige."

I looked up and coming from the water was Seth. He pulled back his long dark hair and swam over to me as I was attempting to put my wet hair in a bun.

"You want the pool? I can leave." I said.

"No stay, that was the whole reason of me trying to get your attention not that I need any help with that considering your eyes seem to wander in my direction." He smirked as we swam to the other side of the pool.

"Everything alright with you," he asked.

"Not really, Rollins. I'm still kinda antsy. Come on, aren't you? You face Kevin at WrestleMania in a singles match. Not to mention that it's the main event.

"True, but I couldn't be anymore excited. It's a big night for all of us. We're the future and we're running this WrestleMania. So don't be so nervous."

I nodded. Hearing encourages from Seth was something I never thought I'd hear. It was cool to hear it from a top guy.

"I have an idea," he began. "You, me, swim race. Just some friendly competition."

"Seth, I'm not that good of a swimmer. I can barely swim in the 4 feet deep area."

"No biggy. If you start to drown I'll be here to give you that mouth to mouth resuscitation you've been dreaming of."

I hit him on the arm and laughed as I got in position to start swimming.

"Ready, Set, GO!"

My feet practically turned into one single fin trying to keep up with Seth's speed.

I took a deep breath the moment my head peaked up from the water. I held on tight to wall fearing for my life.

"Everything alright," Seth said coming towards.

"What? Yeah. I just got a little nervous."

"Here hold onto my arms."

I put all my body down just on his arms. I could feel his biceps tensing.

"There you go," he said. "Relax your kicking. Just keep pressing your weight on. See, being in the deep water isn't so bad."

"Only when there's someone to help me. Thank you."


I looked into his eyes and slowly leaned in to feel his lips. He leaned in too getting closer and closer until I could feel the tickle of his beard. He playfully pulled away.

"What was the for?" I asked.

"Save it for later?" He said laughing.


I just got out of my match with AJ and I'm still extremely pumped. I can still feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins. "Hey Paige, come to my office." Hunter said.

"What's going on boss?"

"Well, we have a little bit more time than what was expected so you're being put in the main event."

"Really? That's, awesome!"

"Yeah I figured it would work out considering you've been a little bit of an extra in their storyline."

I hugged Hunter tightly and ran off to my dressing room to put on a ref costume.

Seth's POV:

"Thanks Hunter for letting me do this. It's time I told Paige how I truly feel. And what better way to do that than at WrestleMania?"

"Nothing," Hunter chuckled.

Main Event:

Michael Cole: Seth is completely out. He has not moved ever since Kevin hit him with the steel chair.

JBL: What's this? Kevin is going to power bomb Seth through a steel chair?!?!

Michael: Kevin is going up and-wait! Is that Paige. Paige is the special guest ref what's she doing on the chair.

Kevin: What are you doing?!?! Get the hell out of the way!

Paige: I'm not going to let you hurt him! Never!

(Seth quickly gets out of Kevin's grip and pedigrees him)


Paige POV:

I caught feelings for Seth which made me realize how much I didn't want to see him hurt. I care about him so much. More than I ever cared about anyone.

"Hey babe," Seth said as I turned around. "You remember what I was saving for later?"

I shook my head no before I was pushed into Seth and our lips pressed against each other's. Our mouths were moving in all sorts of directions. This was something we both wanted. We looked into each other's eyes and the fireworks went off. It was the greatest night ever.


I laid down on the bed contemplating everything that just happened literally an hour ago. I can't believe I actually developed feelings for Seth. Something that I never thought I'd do.

"Hey, whatcha thinking about?" Seth asked laying next to me.

"How happy I am," I said turning on my side so I could look at him.

"I'm even more happier. You have made me the luckiest man alive, Paige. I will do everything I can to make you happy.

I kissed him on his forehead and moved down to his lips. He pulled me on top of him removing my shirt and unbuttoning my pants. That was just the beginning of our steamy night.

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