One - I Fall Out of Heaven (Part One)

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"You drooled a river, Dylan!" I hear Taylor yell at me as I wake up.

"You're the one who wanted me to stay over!" I reply.

She starts to slide up out of the bed, and she looks at me, clutching her stuffed animal, Piggy. She's had it since she was 2; I'm not going to make her throw it away!

I slide up, also, revealing my bare chest and blue boxers. Taylor's unlimited bag is really starting ot become helpful in these situations. I reach over to my end table, nearly knocking over the light. That's just me, extremely clumsy as always. I grab my Starfleet Academy command shirt that Taylor found in her closet, and it fits perfectly on me.

I see Taylor changing into her normal blue top with a tanktop underneath and her purple soccer shorts. She doesn't even run a brush through her hair, but she still looks flawless.

"God, I love you." I say to her as I change my boxers into denim shorts. I feel for the small black box in my left pocket - I'm left-handed - and feel reassured when I feel the familiar lump in my jeans.

"I love you, too, Captain." She says it a bit flirty, but not perverted. Just pure love coming from both our hearts.

Her phone rings. "Hello?" She says. "Okay, okay. I'll come. Yeah, I'll bring my boyfreind. Fine. God, just shut up. Okay, bye, you bitch." She hangs up, seeming angry.

"Who was it? Your dad? It sounded like your dad." I smirk, which I know how much she loves.

She smiles, replying, "No, surprisingly. It was Dean. He said him and Sam ran into a bit of trouble downstairs."

"By downstairs, you mean-"


"Right." I roll my eyes. "Why on God's green Earth would he just assume that we would like to go say hi to Hades?! He's not the nicest. Not to offend him or anything, but I mean, seriously. Like, come on. He runs hell. Not exactly Disneyland, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Let me just get these bags packed." She heaves two Starfleet dufflebags, both command gold, out of the huge walk-in closet. They both have electronic keypad on them, which take her a while to break through.

She looks at me every once in a while, while I fiddle with the contents of my pocket nervously.

"Taylor, before we go downstairs, there's something I want to say, and I've been building up the courage for the last five years. And nothing's going to stop me now."

"Dylan, sweetie, you don't ha-"

"No. I do. Taylor Clarissa Kirk, will you marry me?" I say as I present the 3-karat diamond ring from the box in my pocket.

In response, she kisses me mpre passionately than I have ever been kissed in my life. And I don't pull away for a while. Her beautiful blue eyes stare into mine for eternity.


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