Four - The Search, feat. Angels

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  • Opgedragen aan Dylan Everett

"Yeah, we'll be over in just a second."

"Alright. See you in a bit."

I close the phone, shoving it into my pocket. "Sam's waiting for us at the Enterprise. They have a job to do, and they wanna get out of there. Want Cas to pick us up, or can you fly?"

"I can fly." Taylor responds.

"Alright." I text Sam, telling him that Taylor could fly us there, and Cas didn't have to pick us up.

"Let's go." She grabs onto me, and she lifts off, easily making it to the Enterprise, and we get sucked up the grabage chute.

"Hey, Sam. Have you seen my dad?" Taylor asks as she checks the condition of the bridge, pushing buttons here and there on the helm, and I help where I can.

"No, we haven't." Dean responds, watching us press buttons from the captain's chair with utter confusion. This ship muct mean nothing to him. "Though we heard about a guy going around telling people he flys a starship in St. Louis. There's a, like, 2 to 1 chance that's him, not some crazy drunk."

I nod in agreement, shrugging my shoulders.


When we arrive in St. Louis, we go to the bar that he was spotted at a short 30 minutes ago by a certain angel. Fine, Cas is helpful sometimes, but definitely has his weak points.

As we walk into the bar, music blares into our ears, making us both wince. We see Cas, but no Kirk.

"Hey, Cas, where's Jim?" I walk up to him, tapping him on the shoulder.

He looks back at me with the most plastered expression I've ever seen. "God, man, what happened?" I glace at him again and call Taylor to come over to me.

"I found a bar."


"And I drank it."

"Okay, awkward. Is Kirk here?"

"I don't know. He could be anywhere. Everything's swimming." He starts to crumple.

"Whoah, whoah, buddy. Everything's all right, okay?" I catch him, but he's about two times the size of me, and it takes next to all of my body weight to keep him from fully collapsing. "Hey, Taylor, can you zap us someplace, like maybe a hotel or my house?" I glance back at her, and she rushes to help pick up Cas, also.

"There's a hotel down the street. I should be able to get us close, if not in. My teleporting skills are a bit rusty." Tay responds.

"All right. That'll have to-" Taylor touches my forehead. Apparently Cas can get there on his own.

"Do." I finish, looking around at the hotel room that Taylor, luckily, got me to. Cas must've followed us, because he is literally breathing down my neck.

"Personal space?" I turn around and look him in the eye, which doesn't require much looking up on my part.

"My apologies." He responds as he backs away. I stretch my shoulders, and I look over at Taylor. Her nose is heavy-duty bleeding.

"Hey, Tay! Your nose!" She touches it, frowning at the sight of blood, as I rush to get a washcloth from the bathroom.

After I give it to her, I help Cas onto the bed. He still looks a bit sick, but I'm sure that he can take care of himself. "Why is it bleeding?"

"Her teleporting abilities overtook her. She isn't quite strong enough yet. Her nose will bleed, her vision will start to blur, and she will fall asleep immediately after her nose stops bleeding." Cas says from his laying position on the bed.

Taylor crumples to a heap on the ground, and I drag her up onto the other bed, which I also lay down onto. Cas also falls asleep, so I think it's relatively safe to catch a few z's.


When I wake up, I am startled, but not surprised, by the fact that Cas had dissapeared. Taylor is on the laptop. i look at the screen, and she is Skyping with Clary and Alec. Not surprising. Jace would be completely disgusted by the idea of modern technology, Isabelle would take an hour and a half - at least - to get her makeup ready for the call, and Simon would be off with Isabelle, if she ever took time off. She would, for him, I have a feeling.

Anyway, I walk over to the computer, tuning into the conversation.

"-And we can track him down with that?" Taylor looks at Alec.

"Yes, but I dunno if we can get a glimpse of him. I mean, if we can see him, can't we just stay with him?"

"You're right. That doesn't really help us."

Alec exhales sharply. "Honestly, Taylor, I don't know what we can do about it."

"What we can do about what?" I sit down next to Tay.

She looks at me and looks like she has a mini heart attack. "Hey, Dyl. I - I didn't know you were gonna be up this early."

"Dude, it's like, 8:30!"

"Yeah, that's a few hours early for you."


"What? A good 9 or 10 hours of sleep can be good for a person."

"Yeah. Maybe you should get a few." I walk away, ending the argument. I open the fridge, but I remember: we're in a hotel room that we haven't even paid for; or course we don't have any food.

"Tay, I'm gonna go get some McDonald's or something, ok?"

"Alright. See you in a few."


I grab the keys from the bowl by the front door, pulling on my flannel over my too-small pajama shirt. We're on the first floor, and the hallway is freezing. I run back to the room, grab my hunting jacket, and run back out into the hallway before Taylor noticed. I'm quick on my feet, I guess. 


When I come back with the food, Taylor is reading a book called " The Mortal Instruments: City of Glass". "Hey, Dyl, come check this out! Someone based this on the Shadowhunters and their other friends!"

I walk over, glancing at the page she was on. 423. I choose a paragraph at random, and it reads, I kid you not, "Alec had his arms wrapped around Magnus and was kissing him, full on the mouth." I didn't read any further, because I threw up in my mouth.

"God, Tay, what are you reading? Porn?"

"They're just kissing! It's not gonna be anything else!"

"Subtle porn?"

"Ugh." She rolls her eyes and continues to read.

"I brought food." I say as I set it on the living room table. I don't even look at her, but I hear her throw the book to the ground, running over to me with the biggest smile on her face. "Oh. My. God."

"What? I'm starving! You certainly took long enough.

"Freaking angels." I say as I kiss her on the cheek. We both blush.

"I know, right?" She says through a mouthful of hashbrowns.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 04, 2013 ⏰

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