Break your mental barriers! Because you can!

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If you think you can, you actually can. If you think you can't well you are right just don't waste your energy on it!

To understand what I am trying to explain we need to go back to 1950s.

It all started when a basket ball player called Roger Bannister was used to get bullied and raged because of his short height. He tried ignoring them, but one day he couldn't tolerate them guys. He challenged them that he can play basketball better than them, he said" just because I am short in height doesn't means that I can't play basketball!" He challenged them for a game next week.
Well because of being bullied that stress had been a mental barrier for him, he had to overcome this barrier to prove that he is worth it... He has some personal rights.
Roger had practiced for like day and night.
On the day of match!
All of them were ready finally the game began slowly and gradually Roger went towards the basket and threw the ball into it from far away. Everyone was shocked to see his aim. At the end of the game the score was :
Roger3-0 bully's

Conclusion: in life you have to cross your mental barriers or stress limits to achieve your goals... If you think you can't then try doing it step by step.

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