1) You're kidding me?

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Hunters POV
"Hunter Scott!! For the ninth time come down stairs to eat dinner, I'm not telling you again!"

No.... Fuck..... Not dinner...... I don't want to eat. I've already eaten to much today. I already had a small salad. Isn't that enough mom? I don't know why she tries to make me eat. She knows I'll just throw it up later.
    "Hunter, please son. Please come down for dinner."   My step-father calls from downstairs. God! I wish he would stop calling me that's! I'm not his damn son and he's not my father.He's just some stupid abusive jackass.  He knows nothing about my "problem" he called it. Psh..... Like he even cares to learn about it. He doesn't care about me or the fact that I'm basically killing myself.
"HUNTER SCOTT!!! Please...." It was my mom this Time. She was crying. I knew why, my whole family knew why. Even my little step-sister Careressa knew what was going on and she's only like 1o.
To make my mom happy, I finally head downstairs, staring at  the ugly shag carpet stairs. It's  an ugly brown color like the color of Shit. Yeah. It's that bad. It's fucking gross. I want to fucking burn it.
    I finally get down the stairs and then my sister Careressa come ups and jumps out at me from The kitchen. "Hey, Carebear" I say as I pick her up. See she's small for her age. She's 10 and only 4'. Then I  run my hand though her long brown hair. "Hey, Hunt." She says smiling with her little brace smile and her big blue eyes.
I look over and see Step-douche giving me death stares. See Careressa is his little Princess and I'm a speak of dirt on his image.
His perfect Blonde hair and blues eye white boy,suit and tie reputation.

His perfect Blonde hair and blues eye white boy,suit and tie reputation

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He blames me for everything that goes wrong in his and moms life. When ever something goes wrong like my mom gets sick or she has a mental breakdown he blames me and starts to hit me and Insult me. He calls me ugly and a worthless piece of trash among other things.

He stops giving me evil stares when my Mom calls him to help set the dinner table which really Isn't much of a dinning table. It's a small round plastic table  that's pulled out when we eat as a family which isn't that much. It's actually very rare that we eat as a family. So I don't know why my mom decided today a random Tuesday to eat dinner as a family.

"Hunt, Carebear.Dinners ready."  My mom calls not realizing were only in the next room. We walk into the kitchen and I take my place at the table. "So, who's saying Grace." Step -douche asks. "I will." Carebear says.
"Dear lord......." She drones on and on. I'm not a religious person, I just don't believe in it.
"Okay, So. Hunter, I know you've been talking about that Tour of warped or something and how you wanted to go and..." My mom starts to say.
"Oh, my god. Your kidding. You're fucking kidding.  No way. There's no way. I thought tickets were all sold out."
"HUNTER SCOTT!  Don't swear In front  of you're sister!!" Step-douche screams almost ready to hit me but he won't. He would never hurt me in front of Carebear and my mom.
She's pulls out a ticket and for sure there real.
"Oh my god. Mom. I don't know how to thank you."
"Eat, Hunter! Please eat."
   That was it. I saw that coming. I knew she would pull that card. I just fucking knew it. That's when I see little Carebear look at me with her sad blue eyes. So I sit down and force myself to eat even if I didn't want to at all.  We
All sit in silence as my whole family's knows what I'm about to do and they can't stop me. When I'm done eating I thank mom for the amazing food, scrape was left on my plate into the trash which was a lot. I barely took like 3 bites of my taco. I put my plate in the sliver sink and then head upstairs to my room. I head into my  private bathroom that is attached to my room and grab the tooth brush that has never even touched tooth paste and kneel down by the toilet.
    I shove the tooth brush down my throat making me gag. I keep pushing it down my throat until I throw up. I just continued to throw up everything. When I'm done, I do the same thing I do every time.  I clean the toilet and clean the tooth brush and hid it back behind the toilet, so nobody can find it. I go and brush my teeth and then go out into my room to see Carebear with my phone.
"Sammy, called. She's worried about you."  She says with tears in her eyes.
"Isn't everyone, Carebear?"
I go and grab my phone from Carebear and text Sam that  I'm fine. Which of course is a total lie but if it makes Sam happy, then that's all the matters. I kick Carebear out of my room and  lie in my queen sized bed and wrap myself in my NightMare before Christmas blankets and slowly swift asleep dreaming of a paradise.

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