Seven - Homecoming

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My body is enveloped by warmth and softness when I wake up in the hospital. The silence is the first thing that strikes me; I open my eyes slowly to see two men, one familiar and one unknown, sitting by the bedside. Their mouths are moving, but my ears catch none of the sounds coming out - at first.

But as my hearing returns after my - most likely - very long time asleep, I begins to recognize both of the low-pitched voices, finally able to put a face on my rescuer.


Said man freezes, and I realize I said the name out loud. With wide eyes, he slowly moves towards me; careful, as if one wrong move could scare me back to sleep.

The other person, Sehun, brings his eyebrows together in a slight frown when Chanyeol's name leaves my lips before his own.

"Sehun, " I whisper. My voice is struggling to find its way back into my throat, only letting me communicate with the air still trapped in my lungs. I lift my heavy eyelids to focus in his face, but the move is too much for me as the world turns into a blurry mass of colors and I fall back onto the soft hospital pillow.

I hear my name being shouted twice.

Soon, the sound of a door being opened quickly and multiple feet hitting the floor in hurried steps reach my ear. There are more people talking now, and I close my eyes tighter in a useless attempt to shut everything out. I hate being awake.


The second time I wake up, my eyes see nothing when they open. I find myself in the same room as before, but now, it's completely dark. How long have I been sleeping?

The dark scares me - it reminds me of him. I feel the panic starting to suffocate me, and I fumble around the bed in a desperate search of a light switch. My eyes gradually adjust to the absence of light in the room and I begin to see shapes. One shape catches my attention from the corner of my eye, but I'm too frightened to look at it.

I see him everywhere now. Folds in the - due to my roaming around on them -messed up bed sheets, the lamp hanging from the white ceiling, the shirt thrown on the floor all form his face, staring at me, knowing I'm here and I realize that I will be punished harder than ever for this if he finds out.

I have to go home.

Suddenly, a hand finds mine and grabs it harshly. I freeze, too horrified to even move my widely opened eyes to identify the person.

"What are you doing?" I hear the voice clearly, and I immediately recognize it to be that of Sehun's. I exhale, feeling my muscles starting to relax. Just when I'm about to explain myself, he interrupts me with a harsh voice.

"So you woke me up for nothing? Just go back to sleep, so I can take you to my place tomorrow. It's going to be much better than where you are now, okay? I'm sure you don't want to stay in that apartment all alone a day longer, " he says.

Before I can get another word in and explain to him that I will most definitely not be there alone, another voice cuts through the dark.

"You know nothing about him, Sehun."

"And you do? At least I've talked to him before, isn't that right, Kyungsoo?"

The way my name sounds from his mouth makes shivers run down my spine, and not the good kind. It's like I'm worth less than him, like I should do nothing but agree to what he says. So I do.

"Y-yes... We did talk... Once..." I stutter an awful lot for my own liking.

"See? You know nothing," Sehun brags.

"I don't? Then, please let me tell you all this 'nothing' that I apparently know. "

When Chanyeol speaks, it's in a tone I haven't heard before. I sense a hint of sadness and regret when he starts telling his story, all the while looking straight into my eyes.


Chanyeol's POV

"Are you still sure about this, son?"

I look up, feeling the cold winter breeze envelop my body. It's a cloudy day, but that doesn't keep my mood from being the best I can remember it ever being. The trees have let go of their leaves for the winter, but I feel like mine are just beginning to sprout.

I look back at my mother, and it seems like my expression tells her everything. Behind her, I eye the ice blue car shining in the winter sun, and my father and little sisters looking back at me from inside it. I flash them my biggest, toothy smile, and I can almost hear them laughing back at me through the windows.

"I am."

The next second, I feel her arms around me, and I burn the feeling of her love into my brain before releasing myself from her one last time. And while looking into her beautiful, warm eyes, I say the words that she needs to hear before letting me go my own ways.

"I love you."

And as I wave goodbye to my family in the expensive car rolling down the snow covered road, I feel a smile creeping into my lips for the hundredth time today.

When the car has turned at a corner and disappeared behind the tall buildings, I finally turn around to take a look at my new home. While it definitely isn't much compared to what I've lived in up until now, it is exactly as I wished it to be. I was tired of the luxury, of others always doing everything for me, and so I decided to leave the spoiled kid that I was close to becoming behind me and start a new life.

I turn the key in the lock, and the feeling of the door to my new life finally opening is one I won't ever forget.


A/N: I'm really sorry it took me so long but I promise I will get my shit together from now on!

If you're bored in between my updates please read my other story! It's a HunHan / KaiSoo story, and it's also ongoing!

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