Chapter 13

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Aurora's POV

I woke up really early in the morning, and realized it was Christmas. I jumped out of bed only to be introduced to a lot of presents. Before I opened them, I went to where the owlery, and sent four to the Pevensies, two to the Weasleys, and one to Hemione. I then placed Ron, Harry, Fred & George, and Percy's gifts in the common room, and waited for them to get up. It didn't take long because after a few minutes, the sound of people running down the stairs could be heard. "Merry Christmas Aurora." Ron said.

I turned towards the stairs and saw the Weasley boys (except for Percy) with Harry. "Merry Christmas boys. Come on, we got presents. Even you Harry."

"I got presents?" Harry asked. I nodded. The boys came running down the stairs top the tree and instantly started opening their presents. From Ginny and Tundra, I got charms for my charm bracket. I got a Weasley sweater and mince pies from Mrs. Weasley. From Ron, candy. Harry got me a culdren to practice. Professor Snape got me crystal vials. Professor McGonagall gave me the cutest kitten ever. Professor Dumbledore got me sapphires, which are great potion ingredients. Hagrid got me a white winter cloak. And my dad got me a beautiful red fox pup. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Tundra getting a little bit jealous. I stood up and grabbed the presents for the professors from my room, got dressed, and walked to the portrait with Tundra, Luna (kitten), and Red (fox) following me.

(A/N) Hey girls and guys. Sorry this was so short, I have a lot I have to do today and I wanted to post a chapter today. So here it is. I'm also posting another little picture chapter of all the gifts Aurora got from everyone, so yeah. BYE!

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