"You are not as big as you think you are. You probably just call you brothers." He replied. I hadn't fully concentrated on my hold on Max and he stepped forward and grabbed Nicolas by the collar and glared at him menacingly.

"Don't push it, I don't need to call my brothers I could handle you myself." he said. I felt Nicolas flinch slightly. His confident show was wearing off. Nicolas tried to pull back but couldn't Max's tight grip which seemed to scare him more. Max smirked at his struggling. I watched in shock, Max wouldn't actually beat him up would he? Because looking at Max now well... Nicolas is practically dead. The pure hatred was very clear in his beautiful hazel eyes. It was like I couldn't even recognise him.

I decided to put a stop to it. I took a steady step to Max and tugged on to the back of his top.

"C'mon Max let's go." I said quietly but loud enough for most of the people to hear. I wasn't really sure on what to say. Max let go of him and turned around. I saw Nicolas smirk as I turned around.

"So that's it? You are going to just walk away again?" He said. Then that was it I wasn't concentrating on Max's actions and within two seconds I heard a crack of when Max's fist came in contact of Nicolas' face and then Nicolas fell to the ground. And then it started. There was blood trickeling from Nicolas' slightly bent nose. He then grabbed Max from the leg and then a fight started. The crowd cheered which I didn't get. Fighting is a bad thing right? I stared as they started to hurl insults at eachother and fight each other. There was nothing I could do. Well with humans around that is.

Max's hits were ten times more powerful then Nicolas' was so I softened the force on both of them. Max could literally kill him.They was a lot of blood which didn't bother me, I just hope that Max isn't seriously hurt. The fighting started to get worse and Max was obviously winning. Max must be letting go of all of his anger at once. Which could be a bad thing. I begged them to stop but they told me to stay out of it and then continue fighting. It was gruesome. Why doesn't anyone stop them?! I would but I can't beacuse of the humans! Argh!

Then Uncle Emmett and Dad came through the crowd. Finally. I thought that they would never come! Uncle Emmett grabbed Max and held his arms behind his back and Dad did the same to Nicolas. The floor had a pool of blood which was mostly from Nicolas. He had blood trickeling from his mouth and forehead and then he opened his mouth to have more blood come out of it. I winced as good as the blood smells I don't want to go there. Max on the other hand only had a busted lip and a bruised forehead. This was my fault I could've said it at a more appropriate time. This wouldn't have happened. Then teachers came and the lesson bell rang. The students started to walk away and go to their next lesson. I would go... but I'm involved right...? And I don't want to leave Max. Uncle Emmett finally let go of Max, I looked at him apologetically. This is my fault.

"I'm so sorry Max I shouldn't have told you know." I said. He gave me a small smile but it didn't reach his eyes.

"It's alright Amelia it wasn't your fault." he replied. I shook my head, it was my fault.

"Yes it is and are you alright? You aren't hurt badly are you?" I said. He grabbed my hands.

"I'm fine Amelia stop worrying." he said soothingly. I took one of my hands from his grasp and cupped his face. With my thumb I rubbed it gently to his lip.

"Sorry." I said. Max was going to say soemthing but someone else spoke instead.

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