chapter 23

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nique POV

i was already dressed for school.i went downstairs and saw my mom making breakfast and my sister and brothers sitting at the table i took a seat



tiny:here's your dinner

she handed me my plate.and i ate.i finished eating

i said bye to everyone and got in my porshe and drove to bee's house

bre POV

i still haven't told my mom im prego and im starting to get bigger .roc is giving us a ride today cause i don't feel like driving

beep beep

dest:come on bre its roc!


i walked downstairs and we walked outside i locked the house door and got in the back when i saw prod

bre:no no no wat is he doing here

i said pointing at prod

roc:oh yh i always give prod a ride to school

dest:and why didn't u tell us that

dest said punching roc in the stomach .he bend over

roc:i forgot


prod:u hate me that much.can u not get over it Damn

bre:how the fuck im i suppose to get over it while im pregnant with your muttafucken child prod!

dest:bre calm down

prod:im sorry

the rest of the ride was silent.

we arrived at school 10 mins later.i got out quickly

bre:r u coming dest

dest gave roc a quick kiss and we took of in the school

nique POV

we arrived at school and i saw bre and dest storm in the school.i got out got my bag and locked the car .me and bee wentt in the school

bee:k im goin to my locker see u later

nique :k

i went to my locker and got my books then i saw ray and prince laughing in the hall i closed my locker and went over to them

nique:hey prince

next thing u know bee coma over

bee:hey baby

she said and gave him a kiss

ray:and i don't get a hey or a kiss from my baby

i just ignored him.

ray:wats wrong with u nique

nique:u wanna know wat wrong!?


bee and prince were just there talking

nique:u cheated on me that's wats wrong!

ray:wat are u on about

then nicole had to come with gabby

gabby just stood there smirking

nicole:ray i gotta tell u something

ray:wat is it nicole!

i just stood there looking at this BITCH

nicole:i-im pregnant

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